
Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati Stationaries Company

Headquarters: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Tadawul: 4191 -0.13%

Market Cap

SR722.0 Million

SAR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$192.2 Million

Market Cap History

Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati Stationaries Company market capitalization over time

Evolution of Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati Stationaries Company market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati Stationaries Company

Detailed Description

Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati For Bookstores Company engages in the retail and wholesale trading of books, newspapers, magazines, and education materials in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company also retails and wholesales prints, stationaries, school and office supplies, education supplies, art materials, gifts and wrapping products, paper supplies, printers, inks, computers and its accessories, children's toys, and cosmetics and toilet soaps. It also engages in the retail of household appliances and handicrafts, such as cutting tools, glassware, ceramic and pottery products, etc.; clothing accessories, including gloves, neck ties, and bras; swimming pools and umbrellas; and medical supplies, devices, and equipment. In addition, the company invests in, purchases, constructs, manages, sells, and leases residential and non-residential properties. Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati For Bookstores Company is headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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Stocks & Indices

Abdullah Saad Mohammed Abo Moati Stationaries Company has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: Tadawul: 4191 wb_incandescent



Alatayif Center for Office Supplies

Atayif Street Al P.O. Box 9994

Riyadh, 11423

Saudi Arabia