
Bank Linth LLB AG

Headquarters: Uznach, Switzerland

Employees: 166

CEO: Dr. David B. Sarasin


Market Cap

CHF471.2 Million

CHF as of Dec. 1, 2022

US$502.6 Million

Market Cap History

Bank Linth LLB AG market capitalization over time

Evolution of Bank Linth LLB AG market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Bank Linth LLB AG

Detailed Description

Bank Linth LLB AG provides various banking products and services for private and corporate clients. It offers private, shareholder, foreign currency, association, property, youth, student, and savings accounts; mortgages and construction loans; credit products; pension products; and credit cards. The company also provides investment advice, asset management, consulting and investment, payment, locker, and e-banking services. It serves its customers through 20 locations in Switzerland. The company was founded in 1848 and is based in Uznach, Switzerland. Bank Linth LLB AG operates as a subsidiary of LLB Linth Holding AG.

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Stocks & Indices

Bank Linth LLB AG has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: SIX: LINN wb_incandescent



Zürcherstrasse 3

Uznach, 8730


Phone: 41 84 411 44 11

Fax: 41 84 411 44 12