
Batiçim Bati Anadolu Çimento Sanayii Anonim Sirketi

Headquarters: Izmir, Türkiye

Employees: 937


Market Cap

₺24.78 Billion

TRY as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$700.6 Million

Market Cap History

Batiçim Bati Anadolu Çimento Sanayii Anonim Sirketi Categories

Turkey Basic Materials Building Materials
Turkey Basic Materials Turkey Building Materials

Batiçim Bati Anadolu Çimento Sanayii Anonim Sirketi market capitalization over time

Evolution of Batiçim Bati Anadolu Çimento Sanayii Anonim Sirketi market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Batiçim Bati Anadolu Çimento Sanayii Anonim Sirketi

Detailed Description

Batiçim Bati Anadolu à‡imento Sanayii Anonim Sirketi operates in the cement industry in Turkey. It offers Portland cement clinkers and potassium silicate cements; Portland, sulphate resistant Portland, Portland compound, and pozzolanic cements; and aggregate and cement bypass dust products. The company was founded in 1966 and is headquartered in Izmir, Turkey.

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Stocks & Indices

Batiçim Bati Anadolu Çimento Sanayii Anonim Sirketi has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: BIST: BTCIM wb_incandescent



Ankara Caddesi No: 335


Izmir, None


Phone: 90 232 478 44 00

Fax: 90 232 478 44 44