
BillerudKorsnas AB

Headquarters: Solna, Sweden

Employees: 4,370

CEO: Mr. Christoph Michalski M.Sc (Econ.)


Market Cap

kr24.32 Billion

SEK as of July 1, 2024

US$2.29 Billion

Market Cap History

BillerudKorsnas AB market capitalization over time

Evolution of BillerudKorsnas AB market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of BillerudKorsnas AB

Detailed Description

BillerudKorsnäs AB (publ) provides fiber based packaging materials and solutions in Sweden and internationally. It operates through three segments: Product area Board, Product area Paper, and Solutions & Other. The company offers kraft papers for medical equipment and food packaging sectors; and sack papers for making sacks. It also provides packaging solutions and systems for brand owners; and manufactures and sells liquid packaging and carton boards, as well as fluting and liners. The company serves packaging manufacturers, brand owners, and large retail and supermarket chains. BillerudKorsnäs AB (publ)was incorporated in 1926 and is headquartered in Solna, Sweden.

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Stocks & Indices

BillerudKorsnas AB has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: OMX: BILL wb_incandescent

Stock: FSX: BNF wb_incandescent



Evenemangsgatan 17

PO Box 703

Solna, 169 27


Phone: 46 8 55 33 35 00