
Caltagirone Editore SpA

Headquarters: Rome, RM, Italy

Employees: 584

CEO: Mr. Albino Majore

MTA: CED -1.22%

Market Cap

€169.3 Million

EUR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$176.1 Million

Market Cap History

Caltagirone Editore SpA market capitalization over time

Evolution of Caltagirone Editore SpA market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Caltagirone Editore SpA

Detailed Description

Caltagirone Editore SpA operates as a newspapers publishing company in Italy. The company publishes newspapers, including Il Messaggero, Il Mattino, Il Gazzettino, Leggo, Corriere Adriatico, and Il Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia. It also operates Piemme, an advertising agency comprising of daily newspapers; Social Press, a social platform; and online news Websites. Caltagirone Editore SpA is based in Rome, Italy.

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Stocks & Indices

Caltagirone Editore SpA has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: MTA: CED wb_incandescent



Via Barberini, No. 28

Rome, RM 00187


Phone: 39 06 45 41 22 00

Fax: 39 06 45 41 22 99