
Carraro S.p.A.

Headquarters: Campodarsego, PD, Italy

Employees: 3,455


Market Cap

€196.6 Million

EUR as of Aug. 1, 2021

US$233.4 Million

Market Cap History

Carraro S.p.A. market capitalization over time

Evolution of Carraro S.p.A. market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Carraro S.p.A.

Detailed Description

Carraro S.p.A. manufactures and sells power transmission systems for tractors and off-highway vehicles in Italy, other European countries, North and South America, Asia, and other non-European countries. The company gears, axles, and transmissions systems for agricultural, construction, and automotive equipment; tractors; transmission/engine systems for the material handling industry; and high-precision gears and drive shafts for industrial plants, escalators, robotics, and wind turbines, as well as for the railway industry. It also provides engineering and after sales services; and original spare parts. The company was founded in 1932 and is headquartered in Campodarsego, Italy. Carraro S.p.A. is a subsidiary of Finaid S.p.A.

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Stocks & Indices

Carraro S.p.A. has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: MTA: CARR wb_incandescent

Stock: FSX: 29O wb_incandescent



Via Olmo, 37

Campodarsego, PD 35011


Phone: 39 04 99 21 91 11

Fax: 39 04 99 28 91 11