
Clas Ohlson AB

Headquarters: Insjon, Sweden

Employees: 5,000

CEO: Mr. Kristofer Tonström


Market Cap

kr10.55 Billion

SEK as of July 1, 2024

US$993.9 Million

Market Cap History

Clas Ohlson AB market capitalization over time

Evolution of Clas Ohlson AB market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Clas Ohlson AB

Detailed Description

Clas Ohlson AB (publ) operates as a retailing company in Sweden and internationally. It offers hardware, electrical, multimedia, home, and leisure products, as well as spare parts and accessories. The company sells its products through its stores and online shopping. As of April 30, 2021, it operated approximately 228 stores, including 97 in Sweden, 90 in Norway, 40 in Finland, and one in the United Kingdom. Clas Ohlson AB (publ) was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in Insjön, Sweden.

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Stocks & Indices

Clas Ohlson AB has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: OMX: CLAS.B wb_incandescent

Stock: FSX: OHCB wb_incandescent




Insjon, 793 85


Phone: 46 24 74 44 00