
Deutsche Real Estate AG

Headquarters: Berlin, Germany

Employees: 43


Market Cap

€127.6 Million

EUR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$132.8 Million

Market Cap History

Deutsche Real Estate AG market capitalization over time

Evolution of Deutsche Real Estate AG market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Deutsche Real Estate AG

Detailed Description

Deutsche Real Estate AG operates as a real estate investment corporation that invests in German real estates, both directly and indirectly. The principal activities of the group include expansion and optimization of its real estate portfolio, and the sale of individual properties. The real estate portfolio of the group includes 68 properties. The group invests primarily in retail, commercial, mixed commercial, and residential market segments. Deutsche Real Estate AG operates as a subsidiary of Summit Properties Limited.

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Stocks & Indices

Deutsche Real Estate AG has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: FSX: DRE2 wb_incandescent



Oudenarder Street 16

Berlin, 13347


Phone: 49 30 24 00 864 0

Fax: 49 30 24 00 864 599