
GPE Groupe Pizzorno

Headquarters: Draguignan, France

Employees: 2,724

CEO: Mr. Frederic Devalle

Euronext: GPE -1.53%

Market Cap

€309.1 Million

EUR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$321.7 Million

Market Cap History

GPE Groupe Pizzorno market capitalization over time

Evolution of GPE Groupe Pizzorno market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of GPE Groupe Pizzorno

Detailed Description

Groupe Pizzorno Environnement provides environmental services primarily in France. It engages in the collection, transport, storage, and treatment of household waste and other urban waste, industrial waste, sludge, and bottom ash, as well as sorting and recovery of household waste and other urban residues. The company also provides cleaning and sanitation services for communities and individuals. In addition, it engages in the production of secondary raw materials; development of technologies and services for the recovery of bio-waste; and production of heat and energy from waste treatment. The company was founded in 1974 and is headquartered in Draguignan, France.

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Stocks & Indices

GPE Groupe Pizzorno has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: Euronext: GPE wb_incandescent



109, rue Jean Aicard

Draguignan, 83300


Phone: 33 4 94 50 50 50

Fax: 33 4 94 50 87 59