
Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated

Headquarters: Nashville, TN, United States

Employees: 338

CEO: Mr. Todd J. Meredith

NYSE: HR -0.71%

Market Cap

$6.57 Billion

USD as of July 1, 2024

Market Cap History

Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated market capitalization over time

Evolution of Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated

Detailed Description

Healthcare Realty Trust is a real estate investment trust that integrates owning, managing, financing and developing income-producing real estate properties associated primarily with the delivery of outpatient healthcare services throughout the United States. As of September 30, 2020, the Company owned 211 real estate properties in 24 states totaling 15.5 million square feet and was valued at approximately $5.5 billion. The Company provided leasing and property management services to 11.9 million square feet nationwide.

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Stocks & Indices

Healthcare Realty Trust Incorporated has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: NYSE: HR wb_incandescent

Stock: FSX: HR6 wb_incandescent



3310 West End Avenue

Fourth Floor Suite 700

Nashville, TN 37203

United States

Phone: 615-269-8175

Fax: 615-269-8461