
Hidrovias do Brasil SA

Headquarters: Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Bovespa: HBSA3 +0.45%

Market Cap

R$2.17 Billion

BRL as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$350.7 Million

Market Cap History

Hidrovias do Brasil SA market capitalization over time

Evolution of Hidrovias do Brasil SA market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Hidrovias do Brasil SA

Detailed Description

Hidrovias do Brasil S.A. provides integrated logistics solutions in Latin America. It offers cargo storage and lifting, intermediation and agency, cabotage sea transport, changes and warehousing, specialized cargo terminal, fluvial transportation, and navigation assets leasing services. The company also operates a financial operations agency. It operates its services in various corridors that includes southern corridor consists of river transportation of grains, fertilizers, iron ore, and some other bulk commodities through the Paraná-Paraguay waterway, and pulp transportation through the Uruguay River; grain related operations in Montevideo terminal; and north corridor comprises cargo transshipment station of Miritituba and private use terminal of Barcarena, as well as owns a fleet of pushers and barges for transporting products. Hidrovias do Brasil S.A. was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil.

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Stocks & Indices

Hidrovias do Brasil SA has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: Bovespa: HBSA3 wb_incandescent



Rua Gilberto Sabino, 215

7º andar

Sao Paulo, SP 05425-020


Phone: 55 11 3905 6000

Fax: 55 11 3905 6005