
Inversiones La Construcción SA

Headquarters: Santiago de Chile, Chile

BVS: ILC +0.97%

Market Cap

CL$823.12 Billion

CLP as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$828.2 Million

Market Cap History

Inversiones La Construcción SA market capitalization over time

Evolution of Inversiones La Construcción SA market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Inversiones La Construcción SA

Detailed Description

Inversiones La Construcción S.A. operates in the financial and health sectors in Chile and Peru. It offers annuities, consumer loans for pensioners, insurance for retirees, individual life insurance, credit life insurances, and voluntary retirement savings products. The company also provides corporate banking products and services, including checking accounts, lines of credit, insurance, financing, state guarantees, foreign trade, leasing, factoring, investments, cash management, treasury, and others; and retail banking products and services comprising checking accounts, lines of credit, insurance, mortgages, investments, online time deposits, and others. In addition, it offers collective health insurances, life insurances, and collective credit life insurances for mortgage. Further, the company manages health insurance solutions and retirement savings funds. It also operates 42 outpatient centers and hospitals, and 18 oncology care centers. The company was founded in 1980 and is based in Santiago, Chile. Inversiones La Construcción S.A. is a subsidiary of Cámara Chilena de La Construcción A.G.

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Stocks & Indices

Inversiones La Construcción SA has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: BVS: ILC wb_incandescent



Avenida Apoquindo 6750

20th Floor Las Condes

Santiago de Chile, 1910-1922


Phone: 56 22 477 4600

Fax: 56 22 477 4600