
Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma ve Üretim A.S.

Headquarters: Ankara, Türkiye

Employees: 2,912

CEO: Ismet Demir

BIST: IPEKE +8.80%

Market Cap

₺14.95 Billion

TRY as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$422.8 Million

Market Cap History

Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma ve Üretim A.S. Categories

Turkey Energy Oil & Gas Drilling
Turkey Energy Turkey Oil & Gas Drilling

Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma ve Üretim A.S. market capitalization over time

Evolution of Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma ve Üretim A.S. market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma ve Üretim A.S.

Detailed Description

Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma ve àœretim A.S. focuses on developing and producing renewable energy resources; and petroleum, natural gas, coal, and related natural energy resources in Turkey. It also engages in the construction and mining, air transportation, tourism and hotel management, and food and farming activities. The company was founded in 1985 and is based in Ankara, Turkey.

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Stocks & Indices

Ipek Dogal Enerji Kaynaklari Arastirma ve Üretim A.S. has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: BIST: IPEKE wb_incandescent



Istanbul Yolu 10. km No:310


Ankara, 06370


Phone: 90 312 587 10 00

Fax: 90 312 587 11 00