
Jacquet Metal Service SA

Headquarters: Saint-Priest, France

Employees: 2,669

CEO: Mr. Éric Jacquet

Euronext: JCQ -3.57%

Market Cap

€343.6 Million

EUR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$357.5 Million

Market Cap History

Jacquet Metal Service SA market capitalization over time

Evolution of Jacquet Metal Service SA market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Jacquet Metal Service SA

Detailed Description

Jacquet Metals SA engages in the distribution of specialty steels. It operates through three divisions: JACQUET, STAPPERT, and IMS Group. The company distributes stainless-steel and nickel alloys quarto plates, which are used in water, environment, energy, mechanical and forged metal construction, chemical and agri-food, gas processing and storage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic sectors. It also distributes long stainless-steel products in the form of bars, profiles, welded tubes, and fittings that are used in the agri-food, chemical, petrochemical, pipefitting, energy, transport, and decoration sectors. In addition, the company distributes carbon, alloy, and stainless-steel engineering steels, and tool steels used in mechanical engineering, public works machinery, agricultural machinery, lifting machinery, car and HGV suppliers, and energy sectors. It operates through a network of 103 distribution facilities located in 25 countries in Europe, Turkey, China, and North America. Jacquet Metals SA was founded in 1962 and is based in Saint-Priest, France.

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Stocks & Indices

Jacquet Metal Service SA has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: Euronext: JCQ wb_incandescent

Stock: FSX: I43 wb_incandescent



7, rue Michel Jacquet

CS 40087 Cedex

Saint-Priest, 69802


Phone: 33 4 72 23 23 50