
MeaTech 3D Ltd

Headquarters: Ness Ziona, Israel

Employees: 26

CEO: Mr. Omri Schanin


Market Cap

$17.6 Million

USD as of Jan. 1, 2025

Market Cap History

MeaTech 3D Ltd market capitalization over time

Evolution of MeaTech 3D Ltd market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of MeaTech 3D Ltd

Detailed Description

MeaTech 3D Ltd., a technology company, focuses on the development and out-licensing of three-dimensional printing technology, biotechnology processes, and customizable manufacturing processes to food processing and food retail companies to manufacture proteins without animal slaughtering. The company engages in developing a three-dimensional bioprinter to deposit layers of differentiated stem cells, scaffolding, and cell nutrients in a three-dimensional form of structured cultured meat. It intends to license its proprietary production technology; provides associated products, such as cell lines, printheads, bioreactors, and incubators; and offer services, such as technology implementation, training, and engineering support directly and through contractors to food processing and food retail companies. The company is headquartered in Ness Ziona, Israel.

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Stocks & Indices

MeaTech 3D Ltd has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: NASDAQ: MITC wb_incandescent



18 Einstein Street

P.O. Box 4061

Ness Ziona, 7414001


Phone: 972 77 541 2206