
Mediaset NV

Headquarters: Milan, MI, Italy

Employees: 4,929

CEO: Mr. Pier Silvio Berlusconi


Detailed Description

MFE-MediaForEurope N.V. primarily operates in the television (TV) industry in Italy and Spain. The company engages in the content production and third-party acquisition; content distribution in linear and non-linear, and free-to-air and pay-per-view content distribution activities with a range of content centered on football, cinema, TV series, documentaries, and children's channels. It is also involved in the radio broadcasting activates; and other activities, including film production and distribution, teleshopping, publishing activities, licensing and merchandising, and foreign advertising concessions. The company was formerly known as Mediaset NV. The company is based in Milan, Italy.

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Stocks & Indices

Mediaset NV has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: FSX: MDSA wb_incandescent



Via Paleocapa, 3

Milan, MI 20121
