
PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk

Headquarters: Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

Employees: 6,572

IDX: DMND -0.62%

Market Cap

Rp7.480 Trillion

IDR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$465.1 Million

Market Cap History

PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk market capitalization over time

Evolution of PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk

Detailed Description

PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk manufactures and distributes consumer goods in Indonesia. Its products include milk and cheese products, juices, chocolates, yogurts, ice creams, dressings, bakery and others products. The company is also involved in the production and processing of dairy-based products and frozen food products; trading and distribution of food and beverage products, and non-food equipment and supplies; and retail of food and beverage products. PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in Central Jakarta, Indonesia.

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Stocks & Indices

PT Diamond Food Indonesia Tbk has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: IDX: DMND wb_incandescent



Gedung TCC Batavia Tower One

Lt. 15 Unit 03 & 05 Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav. 126

Jakarta Pusat, 10220
