
Signaux Girod SA

Headquarters: Bellefontaine, France

Employees: 791

CEO: Mr. Claude Girod

Euronext: ALGIR -2.50%

Detailed Description

Signaux Girod S.A. designs, manufactures, markets, installs, and maintains sign equipment worldwide. The company offers police signage, directional signage, site signage, flower displays, and urban furniture. It also provides markings; floor markings; road markings; and street signs and house number markings. The company was formerly known as Société Française de Signalisation. The company was founded in 1905 and is headquartered in Bellefontaine, France. Signaux Girod S.A. is a subsidiary of Gestion Girod.

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Stocks & Indices

Signaux Girod SA has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: Euronext: ALGIR wb_incandescent



881 Route des Fontaines

BP 30004

Bellefontaine, 39401


Phone: 33 3 84 34 61 00