
Swiss Life Holding AG

Headquarters: Zurich, Switzerland

Employees: 8,623

CEO: Dr. Patrick Frost

SIX: SLHN +2.22%

Market Cap

CHF18.96 Billion

CHF as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$20.94 Billion

Market Cap History

Swiss Life Holding AG market capitalization over time

Evolution of Swiss Life Holding AG market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Swiss Life Holding AG

Detailed Description

Swiss Life Holding AG provides life insurance, risk, pensions, and financial solutions for private and corporate clients. It operates through Switzerland, France, Germany, International, and Asset Managers segments. The company offers a range of life, pension, health, annuity, and investment-type policies to groups and individuals, as well as disability coverage. It also provides property and casualty, liability and motor, accident and health, and payment protection insurance. In addition, the company manages assets and provides advisory services for institutional clients, as well as undertakes reinsurance business. Further, the company engages in the private equity, information technology, real estate, banking, restaurant, and investment funds business. Swiss Life Holding AG distributes its products through its agents, financial advisors, and distribution partners. The company operates in Switzerland and internationally under the Swiss Life Select, Tecis, Horbach, Proventus, Chase de Vere, and Fincentrum advisors brands. Swiss Life Holding AG was founded in 1857 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.

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Last Financial Reports Date June 30, 2010
Revenue TTM CHF11.52 B
Gross Profit TTM CHF0
Profit Margin 9.50%
Operating Margin 19.72%
Quarterly Revenue Growth 7.40%
Financial Reports & Statistics

Stocks & Indices

Swiss Life Holding AG has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: SIX: SLHN wb_incandescent

Stock: OTC: SWSDF wb_incandescent



General-Guisan-Quai 40

PO Box 2831

Zurich, 8022


Phone: 41 43 284 33 11

Fax: 41 43 284 63 11