
Tattelecom PJSC

Headquarters: Kazan, Russia

Employees: 4,307

MOEX: TTLK -3.52%

Market Cap

₽14.96 Billion

RUB as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$135.4 Million

Market Cap History

Tattelecom PJSC market capitalization over time

Evolution of Tattelecom PJSC market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Tattelecom PJSC

Detailed Description

Tattelecom Public Joint-Stock Company provides telecommunications services for business and home clients in the Republic of Tatarstan. It offers local and zonal telephony, high-speed Internet access, IP television (TV), cable and interactive digital TV, telegraph communication, and mobile communications services. The company operates 5 zonal electric communication centers and regional electric communication centers. It serves approximately 650,000 telephony subscribers and 500,000 high-speed Internet access subscribers. The company is headquartered in Kazan, Russia.

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Stocks & Indices

Tattelecom PJSC has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: MOEX: TTLK wb_incandescent



st. N. Ershova, 57

Kazan, 420061


Phone: 7 843 222 2222

Fax: 7 843 264 2096