
Top 256 largest Israeli Companies by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies from Israel by market capitalization with links to their reference stock, sector and industry.

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Top Companies from Israel as of Jul. 01, 2024

Rank Company Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
181 Zur Shamir Holdings Ltd $89.5 M Israel Israeli Financials Israeli Insurance—Property & Casualty
182 Tefron Ltd $89.4 M Israel Israeli Consumer Discretionary Israeli Apparel Manufacturing
183 Mendelson Infrastructures & Industries Ltd $86.7 M Israel Israeli Basic Materials Israeli Steel
184 Protalix BioTherapeutics, Inc. $83.6 M

(Jan. 1, 2023)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
185 Maslavi Construction Company Ltd $76.1 M Israel Israeli Real Estate Israeli Real Estate—Development
186 Netanel Group Ltd $73.1 M Israel Israeli Real Estate Israeli Real Estate Services
187 Overseas Commerce Ltd $72.6 M Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Integrated Freight & Logistics
188 P.C.B. Technologies Ltd $72.1 M Israel Israeli Technology Israeli Electronic Components
189 Ybox Real Estate Ltd $70.5 M Israel Israeli Real Estate Israeli Real Estate—Development
190 Optibase Ltd. $66.8 M

(March 1, 2022)

Israel Israeli Real Estate Israeli Real Estate Services
191 Elron Electronic Industries Ltd $66.7 M Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Conglomerates
192 Albaad Massuot Yitzhak Ltd $66.4 M Israel Israeli Consumer Staples Israeli Household & Personal Products
193 Almogim Holdings Ltd $65.6 M Israel Israeli Consumer Discretionary Israeli Residential Construction
194 Michman Besd Ltd $63.2 M Israel Israeli Financials Israeli Credit Services
195 Ravad Ltd $61.2 M Israel Israeli Real Estate Israeli Real Estate Services
196 Shaniv Paper Industry Ltd $60.6 M Israel Israeli Basic Materials Israeli Paper & Paper Products
197 Mishorim Real Estate Investments Ltd $60.5 M Israel Israeli Real Estate Israeli Real Estate Services
198 CollPlant Biotechnologies Ltd. $59.0 M Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
199 Salomon A. Angel Ltd $58.5 M Israel Israeli Consumer Staples Israeli Confectioners
200 Suny Cellular Communication Ltd $57.3 M Israel Israeli Communication Services Israeli Telecom Services
201 Lachish Industries Ltd $54.9 M Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery
202 Sunflower Sustainable Investments Ltd $54.5 M Israel Israeli Utilities Israeli Utilities—Renewable
203 Poalim I.B.I.-Managing & Underwriting Ltd $52.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2023)

Israel Israeli Financials Israeli Capital Markets
204 Utron Ltd $48.8 M Israel Israeli Technology Israeli Software—Infrastructure
205 E.N. Shoham Business Ltd $48.6 M Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Conglomerates
206 Bonus BioGroup Ltd $48.4 M Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
207 BioLineRx Ltd. $47.1 M Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
208 Mordechai Aviv Taasiot Beniyah $45.3 M Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Engineering & Construction
209 The Trendlines Group Ltd $44.5 M Israel Israeli Financials Israeli Asset Management
210 DarioHealth Corp. $44.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Diagnostics & Research

Top Companies from Israel as of Jul. 01, 2024

181. Zur Shamir Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Zur Shamir Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $89.5 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Financials
Industry: Israeli Insurance—Property & Casualty

182. Tefron Ltd

Company Profile: Tefron Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $89.4 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Israeli Apparel Manufacturing

183. Mendelson Infrastructures & Industries Ltd

Company Profile: Mendelson Infrastructures & Industries Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $86.7 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Basic Materials
Industry: Israeli Steel

184. Protalix BioTherapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Protalix BioTherapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $83.6 M (Jan. 1, 2023)
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

185. Maslavi Construction Company Ltd

Company Profile: Maslavi Construction Company Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $76.1 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Real Estate
Industry: Israeli Real Estate—Development

186. Netanel Group Ltd

Company Profile: Netanel Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $73.1 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Real Estate
Industry: Israeli Real Estate Services

187. Overseas Commerce Ltd

Company Profile: Overseas Commerce Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $72.6 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Integrated Freight & Logistics

188. P.C.B. Technologies Ltd

Company Profile: P.C.B. Technologies Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $72.1 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Technology
Industry: Israeli Electronic Components

189. Ybox Real Estate Ltd

Company Profile: Ybox Real Estate Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $70.5 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Real Estate
Industry: Israeli Real Estate—Development

190. Optibase Ltd.

Company Profile: Optibase Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $66.8 M (March 1, 2022)
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Real Estate
Industry: Israeli Real Estate Services

191. Elron Electronic Industries Ltd

Company Profile: Elron Electronic Industries Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $66.7 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Conglomerates

192. Albaad Massuot Yitzhak Ltd

Company Profile: Albaad Massuot Yitzhak Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $66.4 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Consumer Staples
Industry: Israeli Household & Personal Products

193. Almogim Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Almogim Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $65.6 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Israeli Residential Construction

194. Michman Besd Ltd

Company Profile: Michman Besd Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $63.2 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Financials
Industry: Israeli Credit Services

195. Ravad Ltd

Company Profile: Ravad Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $61.2 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Real Estate
Industry: Israeli Real Estate Services

196. Shaniv Paper Industry Ltd

Company Profile: Shaniv Paper Industry Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $60.6 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Basic Materials
Industry: Israeli Paper & Paper Products

197. Mishorim Real Estate Investments Ltd

Company Profile: Mishorim Real Estate Investments Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $60.5 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Real Estate
Industry: Israeli Real Estate Services

198. CollPlant Biotechnologies Ltd.

Company Profile: CollPlant Biotechnologies Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $59.0 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

199. Salomon A. Angel Ltd

Company Profile: Salomon A. Angel Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $58.5 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Consumer Staples
Industry: Israeli Confectioners

200. Suny Cellular Communication Ltd

Company Profile: Suny Cellular Communication Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $57.3 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Communication Services
Industry: Israeli Telecom Services

201. Lachish Industries Ltd

Company Profile: Lachish Industries Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $54.9 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery

202. Sunflower Sustainable Investments Ltd

Company Profile: Sunflower Sustainable Investments Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $54.5 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Utilities
Industry: Israeli Utilities—Renewable

203. Poalim I.B.I.-Managing & Underwriting Ltd

Company Profile: Poalim I.B.I.-Managing & Underwriting Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $52.9 M (Jan. 1, 2023)
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Financials
Industry: Israeli Capital Markets

204. Utron Ltd

Company Profile: Utron Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $48.8 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Technology
Industry: Israeli Software—Infrastructure

205. E.N. Shoham Business Ltd

Company Profile: E.N. Shoham Business Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $48.6 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Conglomerates

206. Bonus BioGroup Ltd

Company Profile: Bonus BioGroup Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $48.4 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

207. BioLineRx Ltd.

Company Profile: BioLineRx Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $47.1 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

208. Mordechai Aviv Taasiot Beniyah

Company Profile: Mordechai Aviv Taasiot Beniyah
Market Cap (USD): $45.3 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Engineering & Construction

209. The Trendlines Group Ltd

Company Profile: The Trendlines Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $44.5 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Financials
Industry: Israeli Asset Management

210. DarioHealth Corp.

Company Profile: DarioHealth Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $44.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Diagnostics & Research