
Top 87 largest Chilean Companies by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies from Chile by market capitalization with links to their reference stock, sector and industry.

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Top Companies from Chile as of Jul. 01, 2024

Rank Company Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
1 Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile SA $12.07 B Chile Chilean Basic Materials Chilean Chemicals
2 Banco de Chile $11.51 B Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Banks—Regional
3 Enel Américas SA $10.10 B Chile Chilean Utilities Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric
4 Empresas Copec SA $9.78 B Chile Chilean Industrials Chilean Conglomerates
5 Banco Santander-Chile $8.87 B Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Banks—Regional
6 Falabella SA $8.05 B Chile Chilean Consumer Discretionary Chilean Department Stores
7 LATAM Airlines Group SA $7.98 B Chile Chilean Industrials Chilean Airlines
8 Banco de Crédito e Inversiones $6.15 B Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Banks—Regional
9 Quiñenco SA $5.61 B Chile Chilean Industrials Chilean Conglomerates
10 Cencosud SA $5.07 B Chile Chilean Consumer Discretionary Chilean Department Stores
11 Empresas CMPC SA $4.63 B Chile Chilean Basic Materials Chilean Paper & Paper Products
12 Enel Chile SA $3.99 B Chile Chilean Utilities Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric
13 AntarChile SA $3.83 B Chile Chilean Industrials Chilean Conglomerates
14 Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores SA $3.68 B Chile Chilean Industrials Chilean Marine Shipping
15 Scotiabank Chile, SA $2.97 B Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Banks—Diversified
16 Plaza SA $2.90 B Chile Chilean Real Estate Chilean Real Estate Services
17 Enel Generación Chile SA $2.80 B Chile Chilean Utilities Chilean Utilities—Renewable
18 Cencosud Shopping SA $2.61 B Chile Chilean Real Estate Chilean Real Estate Services
19 Embotelladora Andina SA $2.43 B Chile Chilean Consumer Staples Chilean Beverages—Non-Alcoholic
20 Colbún SA $2.31 B Chile Chilean Utilities Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric
21 Itaú Corpbanca $2.18 B

(June 1, 2023)

Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Banks—Regional
22 Compañía Cervecerías Unidas SA $2.04 B Chile Chilean Consumer Staples Chilean Beverages—Brewers
23 Minera Valparaiso SA $1.97 B Chile Chilean Industrials Chilean Conglomerates
24 Enaex SA $1.92 B Chile Chilean Basic Materials Chilean Specialty Chemicals
25 Bicecorp SA $1.84 B Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Financial Conglomerates
26 Norte Grande SA $1.61 B Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Asset Management
27 Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera SA $1.59 B Chile Chilean Financials Chilean Asset Management
28 Empresa Eléctrica Pehuenche SA $1.57 B Chile Chilean Utilities Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric
29 Sigdo Koppers SA $1.35 B Chile Chilean Industrials Chilean Conglomerates
30 Parque Arauco SA $1.31 B Chile Chilean Real Estate Chilean Real Estate—Development

Top Companies from Chile as of Jul. 01, 2024

1. Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile SA

Company Profile: Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile SA
Market Cap (USD): $12.07 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Basic Materials
Industry: Chilean Chemicals

2. Banco de Chile

Company Profile: Banco de Chile
Market Cap (USD): $11.51 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Banks—Regional

3. Enel Américas SA

Company Profile: Enel Américas SA
Market Cap (USD): $10.10 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Utilities
Industry: Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric

4. Empresas Copec SA

Company Profile: Empresas Copec SA
Market Cap (USD): $9.78 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Industrials
Industry: Chilean Conglomerates

5. Banco Santander-Chile

Company Profile: Banco Santander-Chile
Market Cap (USD): $8.87 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Banks—Regional

6. Falabella SA

Company Profile: Falabella SA
Market Cap (USD): $8.05 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Chilean Department Stores

7. LATAM Airlines Group SA

Company Profile: LATAM Airlines Group SA
Market Cap (USD): $7.98 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Industrials
Industry: Chilean Airlines

8. Banco de Crédito e Inversiones

Company Profile: Banco de Crédito e Inversiones
Market Cap (USD): $6.15 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Banks—Regional

9. Quiñenco SA

Company Profile: Quiñenco SA
Market Cap (USD): $5.61 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Industrials
Industry: Chilean Conglomerates

10. Cencosud SA

Company Profile: Cencosud SA
Market Cap (USD): $5.07 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Chilean Department Stores

11. Empresas CMPC SA

Company Profile: Empresas CMPC SA
Market Cap (USD): $4.63 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Basic Materials
Industry: Chilean Paper & Paper Products

12. Enel Chile SA

Company Profile: Enel Chile SA
Market Cap (USD): $3.99 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Utilities
Industry: Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric

13. AntarChile SA

Company Profile: AntarChile SA
Market Cap (USD): $3.83 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Industrials
Industry: Chilean Conglomerates

14. Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores SA

Company Profile: Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores SA
Market Cap (USD): $3.68 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Industrials
Industry: Chilean Marine Shipping

15. Scotiabank Chile, SA

Company Profile: Scotiabank Chile, SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.97 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Banks—Diversified

16. Plaza SA

Company Profile: Plaza SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.90 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Real Estate
Industry: Chilean Real Estate Services

17. Enel Generación Chile SA

Company Profile: Enel Generación Chile SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.80 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Utilities
Industry: Chilean Utilities—Renewable

18. Cencosud Shopping SA

Company Profile: Cencosud Shopping SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.61 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Real Estate
Industry: Chilean Real Estate Services

19. Embotelladora Andina SA

Company Profile: Embotelladora Andina SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.43 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Consumer Staples
Industry: Chilean Beverages—Non-Alcoholic

20. Colbún SA

Company Profile: Colbún SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.31 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Utilities
Industry: Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric

21. Itaú Corpbanca

Company Profile: Itaú Corpbanca
Market Cap (USD): $2.18 B (June 1, 2023)
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Banks—Regional

22. Compañía Cervecerías Unidas SA

Company Profile: Compañía Cervecerías Unidas SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.04 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Consumer Staples
Industry: Chilean Beverages—Brewers

23. Minera Valparaiso SA

Company Profile: Minera Valparaiso SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.97 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Industrials
Industry: Chilean Conglomerates

24. Enaex SA

Company Profile: Enaex SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.92 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Basic Materials
Industry: Chilean Specialty Chemicals

25. Bicecorp SA

Company Profile: Bicecorp SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.84 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Financial Conglomerates

26. Norte Grande SA

Company Profile: Norte Grande SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.61 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Asset Management

27. Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera SA

Company Profile: Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.59 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Financials
Industry: Chilean Asset Management

28. Empresa Eléctrica Pehuenche SA

Company Profile: Empresa Eléctrica Pehuenche SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.57 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Utilities
Industry: Chilean Utilities—Regulated Electric

29. Sigdo Koppers SA

Company Profile: Sigdo Koppers SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.35 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Industrials
Industry: Chilean Conglomerates

30. Parque Arauco SA

Company Profile: Parque Arauco SA
Market Cap (USD): $1.31 B
Country: Chile
Sector: Chilean Real Estate
Industry: Chilean Real Estate—Development