
Ascopiave S.p.A.

Headquarters: Pieve Di Soligo, TV, Italy

Employees: 475

CEO: Dr. Nicola Cecconato

MTA: ASC +2.02%

Market Cap

€607.1 Million

EUR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$631.7 Million

Market Cap History

Ascopiave S.p.A. market capitalization over time

Evolution of Ascopiave S.p.A. market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Ascopiave S.p.A.

Detailed Description

Ascopiave S.p.A. distributes and sells natural gas in Italy. The company holds concessions and direct assignments for the supply of the service in 268 municipalities; and provides services to approximately 775,000 users through a distribution network of approximately 12,913 kilometers (km). It is also involved in the sale of electric power; and heat management and co-generation activities, as well as offers integrated urban water management services in 15 municipalities that includes 100,000 inhabitants through a network of 880 km in the Province of Bergamo. The company was founded in 1956 and is headquartered in Pieve di Soligo, Italy. Ascopiave S.p.A. operates as a subsidiary of Asco Holding SpA.

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Stocks & Indices

Ascopiave S.p.A. has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: MTA: ASC wb_incandescent

Stock: FSX: AVA wb_incandescent



Via Verizzo, 1030

Pieve Di Soligo, TV 31053


Phone: 39 0438 98 00 98

Fax: 39 043 882096