
Deutsche Börse AG

Headquarters: Eschborn, Germany

Employees: 8,855

CEO: Dr. Theodor Weimer

FSX: DB1 -1.76%

Market Cap

€42.10 Billion

EUR as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$43.81 Billion

Market Cap History

Deutsche Börse AG market capitalization over time

Evolution of Deutsche Börse AG market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Deutsche Börse AG

Detailed Description

Deutsche Börse AG operates as an exchange organization in Europe, the United States, and the Asia-Pacific. The company operates through seven segments: Eurex (Financial Derivatives), EEX (Commodities), 360T (Foreign Exchange), Xetra (Cash Equities), Clearstream (Post-Trading), IFS (Investment Fund Services), and Qontigo (index and analytics business). The company engages in the electronic trading of derivatives, electricity and gas products, emission rights, and foreign exchange; operating of Eurex Repo over the counter (OTC) trading platform and electronic clearing architecture; and operating as a central counterparty for on-and-off exchange derivatives, repo transactions, and OTC and exchange-traded derivatives. It also operates in the cash market through Xetra, Börse Frankfurt, and Tradegate trading venues; operates as a central counterparty for equities and bonds; and provides listing services. In addition, the company offers custody and settlement services for securities; investment fund services; global securities financing services; and collateral management, as well as secured money, market transaction, and repos and securities lending transaction services. Further, it develops and markets indices, as well as portfolio management and risk analysis software; markets licenses for trading and market signals; provides technology and reporting solutions for external customers; and offers link-up of trading participants. Deutsche Börse AG was founded in 1585 and is headquartered in Eschborn, Germany.

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Last Financial Reports Date Sept. 30, 2024
Revenue TTM €6.89 B
EBITDA €3.32 B
Gross Profit TTM €5.69 B
Profit Margin 26.83%
Operating Margin 39.85%
Quarterly Revenue Growth 17.80%
Financial Reports & Statistics

Stocks & Indices

Deutsche Börse AG has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: FSX: DB1 wb_incandescent

Stock: FSX: 63DA wb_incandescent

Stock: MTA: DB1 wb_incandescent



The Cube

Mergenthalerallee 61

Eschborn, 65760


Phone: 49 69 2 11 0

Fax: 49 69 2 11 1 16 70