

Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan

Employees: 92

JPX: 2370

Market Cap

¥10.05 Billion

JPY as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$64.1 Million

Market Cap History

MEDINET Co. Ltd market capitalization over time

Evolution of MEDINET Co. Ltd market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of MEDINET Co. Ltd

Detailed Description

MEDINET Co., Ltd. operates as a contract development and manufacturing organization that provides regenerative medicine and cell therapy solutions in Japan. Its solutions include technical know-how, facilities, systems, materials, professional cell-engineers, and other requirements to conduct immuno-cell therapy. The company also manufactures regenerative medical/investigational and specified cell products. In addition, its value chain solutions include personnel training, facility and equipment design, facility operations and management, preparation of standard operating procedures, logistics network, information system, purchasing and production management, quality management system, quality control and assurance, and technology transfer and process development solutions. Further, the company supports medical institutions, research institutions, and biopharmaceutical companies to conduct immuno-cell therapy. MEDINET Co., Ltd. was incorporated in 1995 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

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Stocks & Indices

MEDINET Co. Ltd has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: JPX: 2370 wb_incandescent



TRC Center Building

9th Floor 6-1-1 Heiwajima Ota-ku, ,Yokohama

Tokyo, 143-0006


Phone: 81 3 6631 1201

Fax: 81 3 6631 1202