
SEMrush Holdings, Inc.

Headquarters: Boston, MA, United States

Employees: 980

CEO: Mr. Oleg Shchegolev

NYSE: SEMR -5.93%

Market Cap

$2.08 Billion

USD as of Jan. 1, 2025

Market Cap History

SEMrush Holdings, Inc. market capitalization over time

Evolution of SEMrush Holdings, Inc. market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of SEMrush Holdings, Inc.

Detailed Description

SEMrush Holdings, Inc. develops an online visibility management software-as-a-service platform worldwide. The company enables companies to identify and reach the right audience for their content through the right channels. Its platform enables the company's customers to understand trends and act upon insights to enhance the online visibility, and drive high-quality traffic to their websites and social media pages, as well as online listings, distribute targeted content to their customers, and measure the digital marketing campaigns. The company was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Last Financial Reports Date Sept. 30, 2024
Revenue TTM $357.6 M
EBITDA $14.6 M
Gross Profit TTM $255.3 M
Profit Margin 3.29%
Operating Margin 1.75%
Quarterly Revenue Growth 23.70%
Financial Reports & Statistics

Stocks & Indices

SEMrush Holdings, Inc. has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: NYSE: SEMR wb_incandescent



800 Boylston Street

Suite 2475

Boston, MA 02199

United States

Phone: 800 851 9959