Hong Kong

Top 542 largest HK Companies by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies from Hong Kong by market capitalization with links to their reference stock, sector and industry.

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Top Companies from Hong Kong as of Jul. 01, 2024

Rank Company Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
1 China Mobile Ltd $217.46 B Hong Kong HK Communication Services HK Telecom Services
2 CNOOC Limited $147.94 B Hong Kong HK Energy HK Oil & Gas E&P
3 SinoCloud Group Ltd $117.42 B

(May 1, 2023)

Hong Kong HK Technology HK Information Technology Services
4 AIA Group Ltd $75.29 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Insurance—Life
5 China Telecom Corp Ltd $74.28 B Hong Kong HK Communication Services HK Telecom Services
6 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd $41.60 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Financial Data & Stock Exchanges
7 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd $31.74 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
8 China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd $29.06 B Hong Kong HK Communication Services HK Telecom Services
9 CITIC Ltd $27.07 B Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Conglomerates
10 China Resources Land Ltd $25.51 B Hong Kong HK Real Estate HK Real Estate—Development
11 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd $24.72 B Hong Kong HK Real Estate HK Real Estate—Development
12 Hang Seng Bank Limited $24.47 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
13 China Railway Group Ltd $22.10 B Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Engineering & Construction
14 Techtronic Industries Company Ltd $21.31 B Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Tools & Accessories
15 CLP Holdings Ltd $20.68 B Hong Kong HK Utilities HK Utilities—Regulated Electric
16 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd $20.41 B Hong Kong HK Consumer Discretionary HK Resorts & Casinos
17 MTR Corp Ltd $19.94 B Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Railroads
18 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd $19.22 B Hong Kong HK Real Estate HK Real Estate—Development
19 CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd $18.58 B Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Conglomerates
20 Lenovo Group Ltd $17.35 B Hong Kong HK Technology HK Computer Hardware
21 Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Ltd $15.99 B Hong Kong HK Consumer Staples HK Beverages—Brewers
22 The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd $14.36 B Hong Kong HK Utilities HK Utilities—Regulated Gas
23 Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd $14.25 B Hong Kong HK Consumer Discretionary HK Textile Manufacturing
24 CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd $14.19 B Hong Kong HK Utilities HK Utilities—Regulated Electric
25 CK Asset Holdings Limited $13.33 B Hong Kong HK Real Estate HK Real Estate—Development
26 Henderson Land Development Co Ltd $13.14 B Hong Kong HK Real Estate HK Real Estate Services
27 Swire Pacific Ltd $11.77 B Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Conglomerates
28 Power Assets Holdings Ltd $11.62 B Hong Kong HK Utilities HK Utilities—Independent Power Producers
29 Orient Overseas (International) Ltd $11.42 B Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Marine Shipping
30 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd $11.21 B Hong Kong HK Consumer Discretionary HK Auto Manufacturers

Top Companies from Hong Kong as of Jul. 01, 2024

1. China Mobile

Company Profile: China Mobile Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $217.46 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Communication Services
Industry: HK Telecom Services


Company Profile: CNOOC Limited
Market Cap (USD): $147.94 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Energy
Industry: HK Oil & Gas E&P

3. SinoCloud Group Ltd

Company Profile: SinoCloud Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $117.42 B (May 1, 2023)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Technology
Industry: HK Information Technology Services

4. AIA Group

Company Profile: AIA Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $75.29 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Insurance—Life

5. China Telecom Corp Ltd

Company Profile: China Telecom Corp Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $74.28 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Communication Services
Industry: HK Telecom Services

6. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd

Company Profile: Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $41.60 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Financial Data & Stock Exchanges

7. BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $31.74 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

8. China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd

Company Profile: China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $29.06 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Communication Services
Industry: HK Telecom Services

9. CITIC Ltd

Company Profile: CITIC Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $27.07 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Conglomerates

10. China Resources Land Ltd

Company Profile: China Resources Land Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $25.51 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Real Estate
Industry: HK Real Estate—Development

11. Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd

Company Profile: Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $24.72 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Real Estate
Industry: HK Real Estate—Development

12. Hang Seng Bank Limited

Company Profile: Hang Seng Bank Limited
Market Cap (USD): $24.47 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

13. China Railway Group Ltd

Company Profile: China Railway Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $22.10 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Engineering & Construction

14. Techtronic Industries Company Ltd

Company Profile: Techtronic Industries Company Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $21.31 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Tools & Accessories

15. CLP Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: CLP Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $20.68 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Utilities
Industry: HK Utilities—Regulated Electric

16. Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd

Company Profile: Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $20.41 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Consumer Discretionary
Industry: HK Resorts & Casinos

17. MTR Corp Ltd

Company Profile: MTR Corp Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $19.94 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Railroads

18. China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd

Company Profile: China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $19.22 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Real Estate
Industry: HK Real Estate—Development

19. CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $18.58 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Conglomerates

20. Lenovo Group Ltd

Company Profile: Lenovo Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $17.35 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Technology
Industry: HK Computer Hardware

21. Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Ltd

Company Profile: Budweiser Brewing Company APAC Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $15.99 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Consumer Staples
Industry: HK Beverages—Brewers

22. The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd

Company Profile: The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $14.36 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Utilities
Industry: HK Utilities—Regulated Gas

23. Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Shenzhou International Group Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $14.25 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Consumer Discretionary
Industry: HK Textile Manufacturing

24. CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $14.19 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Utilities
Industry: HK Utilities—Regulated Electric

25. CK Asset Holdings Limited

Company Profile: CK Asset Holdings Limited
Market Cap (USD): $13.33 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Real Estate
Industry: HK Real Estate—Development

26. Henderson Land Development Co Ltd

Company Profile: Henderson Land Development Co Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $13.14 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Real Estate
Industry: HK Real Estate Services

27. Swire Pacific Ltd

Company Profile: Swire Pacific Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $11.77 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Conglomerates

28. Power Assets Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Power Assets Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $11.62 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Utilities
Industry: HK Utilities—Independent Power Producers

29. Orient Overseas (International) Ltd

Company Profile: Orient Overseas (International) Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $11.42 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Marine Shipping

30. Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $11.21 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Consumer Discretionary
Industry: HK Auto Manufacturers