Hong Kong

Top 62 largest HK Companies in the Financial sector by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the Financial sector from Hong Kong by market capitalization with links to their reference stock and industry.

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Top Financial Companies from Hong Kong as of Jul. 01, 2024

Rank Company Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
1 AIA Group Ltd $75.29 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Insurance—Life
2 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd $41.60 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Financial Data & Stock Exchanges
3 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd $31.74 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
4 Hang Seng Bank Limited $24.47 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
5 Futu Holdings Limited $9.78 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
6 Everbright Securities Company Ltd $8.11 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
7 China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Ltd $3.84 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Insurance—Life
8 The Bank of East Asia Ltd $3.40 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
9 Far East Horizon Ltd $2.82 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Mortgage Finance
10 Chong Hing Bank Ltd $2.62 B

(Sept. 1, 2021)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
11 Haitong International Securities Group Ltd $1.63 B

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
12 Fidelity China Special Situations plc $1.31 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Asset Management
13 Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd $1.22 B Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
14 AMTD International Inc. $1.08 B

(Jan. 1, 2022)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
15 Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd $915.4 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Banks—Regional
16 China Everbright Ltd $889.5 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Asset Management
17 Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd $758.6 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
18 SGOCO Group, Ltd. $717.9 M

(June 1, 2022)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Credit Services
19 Golden Resorts Group Ltd $672.4 M

(Feb. 1, 2023)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
20 Sun Hung Kai & Co. Ltd $618.8 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
21 D8 Holdings Corp. $499.0 M

(Sept. 1, 2021)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Shell Companies
22 Yunfeng Financial Group Ltd $430.8 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
23 Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited $413.2 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Credit Services
24 Bright Smart Securities & Commodities Group Ltd $386.7 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
25 Value Partners Group Ltd $348.6 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Asset Management
26 Chinese Estates Holdings Ltd $329.6 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Capital Markets
27 The Taiwan Fund, Inc. $325.2 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Asset Management
28 Bridgetown 2 Holdings Limited $311.3 M

(June 1, 2022)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Shell Companies
29 Bridgetown Holdings Limited $308.4 M

(July 1, 2023)

Hong Kong HK Financials HK Shell Companies
30 Queen's Road Capital Investment Ltd $279.7 M Hong Kong HK Financials HK Asset Management

Top Financial Companies from Hong Kong as of Jul. 01, 2024

1. AIA Group

Company Profile: AIA Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $75.29 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Insurance—Life

2. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd

Company Profile: Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $41.60 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Financial Data & Stock Exchanges

3. BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $31.74 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

4. Hang Seng Bank Limited

Company Profile: Hang Seng Bank Limited
Market Cap (USD): $24.47 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

5. Futu Holdings Limited

Company Profile: Futu Holdings Limited
Market Cap (USD): $9.78 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

6. Everbright Securities Company Ltd

Company Profile: Everbright Securities Company Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $8.11 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

7. China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Ltd

Company Profile: China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $3.84 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Insurance—Life

8. The Bank of East Asia Ltd

Company Profile: The Bank of East Asia Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $3.40 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

9. Far East Horizon Ltd

Company Profile: Far East Horizon Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $2.82 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Mortgage Finance

10. Chong Hing Bank Ltd

Company Profile: Chong Hing Bank Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $2.62 B (Sept. 1, 2021)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

11. Haitong International Securities Group Ltd

Company Profile: Haitong International Securities Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $1.63 B (Jan. 1, 2024)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

12. Fidelity China Special Situations plc

Company Profile: Fidelity China Special Situations plc
Market Cap (USD): $1.31 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Asset Management

13. Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd

Company Profile: Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $1.22 B
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

14. AMTD International Inc.

Company Profile: AMTD International Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $1.08 B (Jan. 1, 2022)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

15. Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Dah Sing Financial Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $915.4 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Banks—Regional

16. China Everbright Ltd

Company Profile: China Everbright Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $889.5 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Asset Management

17. Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $758.6 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

18. SGOCO Group, Ltd.

Company Profile: SGOCO Group, Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $717.9 M (June 1, 2022)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Credit Services

19. Golden Resorts Group Ltd

Company Profile: Golden Resorts Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $672.4 M (Feb. 1, 2023)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

20. Sun Hung Kai & Co. Ltd

Company Profile: Sun Hung Kai & Co. Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $618.8 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

21. D8 Holdings Corp.

Company Profile: D8 Holdings Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $499.0 M (Sept. 1, 2021)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Shell Companies

22. Yunfeng Financial Group Ltd

Company Profile: Yunfeng Financial Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $430.8 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

23. Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited

Company Profile: Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited
Market Cap (USD): $413.2 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Credit Services

24. Bright Smart Securities & Commodities Group Ltd

Company Profile: Bright Smart Securities & Commodities Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $386.7 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

25. Value Partners Group Ltd

Company Profile: Value Partners Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $348.6 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Asset Management

26. Chinese Estates Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Chinese Estates Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $329.6 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Capital Markets

27. The Taiwan Fund, Inc.

Company Profile: The Taiwan Fund, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $325.2 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Asset Management

28. Bridgetown 2 Holdings Limited

Company Profile: Bridgetown 2 Holdings Limited
Market Cap (USD): $311.3 M (June 1, 2022)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Shell Companies

29. Bridgetown Holdings Limited

Company Profile: Bridgetown Holdings Limited
Market Cap (USD): $308.4 M (July 1, 2023)
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Shell Companies

30. Queen's Road Capital Investment Ltd

Company Profile: Queen's Road Capital Investment Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $279.7 M
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Financials
Industry: HK Asset Management