South Africa

Top 10 largest South African Companies in the Conglomerates industry by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the Conglomerates industry from South Africa by market capitalization with links to their reference stock.

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Top Conglomerates Companies from South Africa as of Jan. 01, 2024

1. Adapt IT Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Adapt IT Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $6.08 B (Dec. 1, 2021)
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

2. The Bidvest Group Ltd

Company Profile: The Bidvest Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $4.43 B
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

3. Hosken Consolidated Investments Ltd

Company Profile: Hosken Consolidated Investments Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $872.9 M
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

4. Omnia Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Omnia Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $576.3 M
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

5. KAP Industrial Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: KAP Industrial Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $355.2 M
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

6. PSG Group Ltd

Company Profile: PSG Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $277.7 M (Sept. 1, 2022)
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

7. Deneb Investments Ltd

Company Profile: Deneb Investments Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $53.9 M
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

8. Brikor Ltd

Company Profile: Brikor Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $7.2 M
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

9. Jasco Electronics Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: Jasco Electronics Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $28,896 (May 1, 2023)
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates

10. Barloworld Ld

Company Profile: Barloworld Ld
Country: South Africa
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Conglomerates