South Africa

Top 1 largest South African Companies in the Railroads industry by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the Railroads industry from South Africa by market capitalization with links to their reference stock.

South Africa Railroads Industry Analysis
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Top Railroads Companies from South Africa as of Sep. 01, 2021

Rank Company Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
1 Hosken Passenger Logistics and Rail Ltd $7.67 B South Africa South African Industrials South African Railroads

Top Railroads Companies from South Africa as of Sep. 01, 2021

1. Hosken Passenger Logistics and Rail Ltd

Company Profile: Hosken Passenger Logistics and Rail Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $7.67 B
Country: South Africa
Sector: South African Industrials
Industry: South African Railroads