
Top 9 largest Brazilian Companies in the Steel industry by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the Steel industry from Brazil by market capitalization with links to their reference stock.

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Top Steel Companies from Brazil as of Jan. 01, 2024

1. CSN Mineração SA

Company Profile: CSN Mineração SA
Market Cap (USD): $8.88 B
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

2. Gerdau SA

Company Profile: Gerdau SA
Market Cap (USD): $8.10 B
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

3. Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional

Company Profile: Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional
Market Cap (USD): $5.30 B
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

4. Metalurgica Gerdau SA

Company Profile: Metalurgica Gerdau SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.29 B
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

5. Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais SA

Company Profile: Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais SA
Market Cap (USD): $2.24 B
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

6. Cia de Ferro Ligas da Bahia - FERBASA

Company Profile: Cia de Ferro Ligas da Bahia - FERBASA
Market Cap (USD): $892.5 M
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

7. Panatlantica SA

Company Profile: Panatlantica SA
Market Cap (USD): $143.5 M
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

8. Tekno S.A. Indústria e Comércio

Company Profile: Tekno S.A. Indústria e Comércio
Market Cap (USD): $17.9 M
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel

9. Mangels Industrial SA

Company Profile: Mangels Industrial SA
Market Cap (USD): $10.2 M
Country: Brazil
Sector: Basic Materials
Industry: Steel