
Brainsway Ltd.

Headquarters: Jerusalem, Israel

Founded: 2003 

Employees: 107

CEO: Dr. Christopher R. von Jako Ph.D.


Market Cap

$201.1 Million

USD as of Jan. 1, 2025

Market Cap History

Brainsway Ltd. market capitalization over time

Evolution of Brainsway Ltd. market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of Brainsway Ltd.

Detailed Description

Brainsway Ltd., a commercial stage medical device company, focuses on the development and sale of non-invasive neuromodulation products in Israel and internationally. It offers deep transcranial magnetic stimulation technology for the treatment of major depressive disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, bipolar disorders, post traumatic stress disorders, schizophrenia, smoking cessation, Alzheimer's disease, Asperger syndromes, alcohol addictions, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, Parkinson's disease, and chronic neuropathic pains to transmit electric current flows at varying rates and creating an electromagnetic field that serves to depolarize cortical neurons and activate neural networks in various areas of the brain. The company primarily serves doctors, hospitals, and medical centers in the field of psychiatry. Brainsway Ltd. was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel.

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Stocks & Indices

Brainsway Ltd. has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: NASDAQ: BWAY wb_incandescent

Product & Services

Deep TMS System, Brain Disorder treatment

Key People

Founder(s): Uzi Sofer Avner Hagai (President) David Zacut (Chairman)

Abraham Zangen Yiftach Roth



Bynet Building

3rd Floor 19 Hartum Street Har Hotzvim

Jerusalem, 9777518


Phone: 972 2 582 4030