

Headquarters: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Employees: 7,341

MOEX: OGKB -0.21%

Market Cap

₽51.10 Billion

RUB as of Jan. 1, 2025

US$462.5 Million

Market Cap History

OGK-2 PJSC market capitalization over time

Evolution of OGK-2 PJSC market cap in the past 5 years

Market capitalizations are calculated from the opening stock price at the beginning of each month.

Market Cap History of OGK-2 PJSC

Detailed Description

Public Joint-Stock Company "Second Generating Company of the Electric Power Wholesale Market", together with its subsidiaries, generates and sells electricity and thermal energy in Russia. The company serves the wholesale market of electric energy. It also provides fire safety, firefighting, and rescue work services; and freight and passenger transportation, and rail freight services, as well as engages in designing and construction activity; and investment in securities. The company was incorporated in 2005 and is based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Public Joint-Stock Company ‘Second Generating Company of the Electric Power Wholesale Market' is a subsidiary of Public Joint Stock Company Centrenergoholding.

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Stocks & Indices

OGK-2 PJSC has the following listings and related stock indices.

Stock: MOEX: OGKB wb_incandescent



Building 1

litera A Peterburgskoye Highway 66

Saint Petersburg, 196140


Phone: 7 812 646 1364