
Top 173 largest Companies in the Aerospace & Defense industry in the World by Market Cap

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the Aerospace & Defense industry in the world by market capitalization with links to their reference stock.

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Top Aerospace & Defense Companies in the World as of Jul. 01, 2024

Rank Company Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
121 Amedeo Air Four Plus Ltd $170.7 M United Kingdom UK Industrials UK Aerospace & Defense
122 Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc. $161.9 M United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense
123 VEEM Ltd $153.7 M Australia Australian Industrials Australian Aerospace & Defense
124 Orbit Technologies Ltd $153.5 M Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Aerospace & Defense
125 Penguin International Ltd $142.7 M Singapore Singaporean Industrials Singaporean Aerospace & Defense
126 Aryt Industries Ltd $141.2 M Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Aerospace & Defense
127 Cubic Corporation $134.8 M

(Aug. 1, 2021)

United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense
128 Sumitomo Precision Products Co. Ltd $133.6 M

(March 1, 2023)

Japan Japanese Industrials Japanese Aerospace & Defense
129 PTB Group Limited $128.9 M

(Nov. 1, 2022)

Australia Australian Industrials Australian Aerospace & Defense
130 General de Alquiler de Maquinaria, SA $122.9 M

(April 1, 2023)

Spain Spanish Industrials Spanish Aerospace & Defense
131 Latécoère SA $117.2 M

(July 1, 2023)

France French Industrials French Aerospace & Defense
132 Chaheng Precision Co. Ltd $110.5 M Taiwan Taiwanese Industrials Taiwanese Aerospace & Defense
133 Firan Technology Group Corporation $103.2 M Canada Canadian Industrials Canadian Aerospace & Defense
134 Intevac, Inc. $99.7 M United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense
135 Innovative Solutions and Support, Inc. $98.8 M United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense
136 JEP Holdings Ltd $95.8 M Singapore Singaporean Industrials Singaporean Aerospace & Defense
137 Aero Win Technology Corp $90.7 M Taiwan Taiwanese Industrials Taiwanese Aerospace & Defense
138 PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk $89.7 M Indonesia Indonesian Industrials Indonesian Aerospace & Defense
139 VirTra, Inc. $88.7 M United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense
140 Public joint stock company NPO Nauka $76.1 M Russia Russian Industrials Russian Aerospace & Defense
141 Officina Stellare S.p.A. $72.7 M Italy Italian Industrials Italian Aerospace & Defense
142 Coda Octopus Group, Inc. $66.8 M United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense
143 Sogeclair $64.5 M

(July 1, 2023)

France French Industrials French Aerospace & Defense
144 Magnate Technology Co. Ltd $60.5 M Taiwan Taiwanese Industrials Taiwanese Aerospace & Defense
145 Kovrov Mechanical Plant, Public Joint-Stock Company $59.3 M Russia Russian Industrials Russian Aerospace & Defense
146 Butler National Corp $59.2 M United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense
147 Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Group Ltd $54.3 M China Chinese Industrials Chinese Aerospace & Defense
148 Naikai Zosen Corp $54.3 M Japan Japanese Industrials Japanese Aerospace & Defense
149 Velocity Composites plc $25.2 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United Kingdom UK Industrials UK Aerospace & Defense
150 Safer Shot, Inc. United States US Industrials US Aerospace & Defense

Top Aerospace & Defense Companies in the World as of Jul. 01, 2024

121. Amedeo Air Four Plus Ltd

Company Profile: Amedeo Air Four Plus Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $170.7 M
Country: United Kingdom
Sector: UK Industrials
Industry: UK Aerospace & Defense

122. Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc.

Company Profile: Virgin Galactic Holdings, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $161.9 M
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense

123. VEEM Ltd

Company Profile: VEEM Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $153.7 M
Country: Australia
Sector: Australian Industrials
Industry: Australian Aerospace & Defense

124. Orbit Technologies Ltd

Company Profile: Orbit Technologies Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $153.5 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Aerospace & Defense

125. Penguin International Ltd

Company Profile: Penguin International Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $142.7 M
Country: Singapore
Sector: Singaporean Industrials
Industry: Singaporean Aerospace & Defense

126. Aryt Industries Ltd

Company Profile: Aryt Industries Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $141.2 M
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Aerospace & Defense

127. Cubic Corporation

Company Profile: Cubic Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $134.8 M (Aug. 1, 2021)
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense

128. Sumitomo Precision Products Co. Ltd

Company Profile: Sumitomo Precision Products Co. Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $133.6 M (March 1, 2023)
Country: Japan
Sector: Japanese Industrials
Industry: Japanese Aerospace & Defense

129. PTB Group Limited

Company Profile: PTB Group Limited
Market Cap (USD): $128.9 M (Nov. 1, 2022)
Country: Australia
Sector: Australian Industrials
Industry: Australian Aerospace & Defense

130. General de Alquiler de Maquinaria, SA

Company Profile: General de Alquiler de Maquinaria, SA
Market Cap (USD): $122.9 M (April 1, 2023)
Country: Spain
Sector: Spanish Industrials
Industry: Spanish Aerospace & Defense

131. Latécoère SA

Company Profile: Latécoère SA
Market Cap (USD): $117.2 M (July 1, 2023)
Country: France
Sector: French Industrials
Industry: French Aerospace & Defense

132. Chaheng Precision Co. Ltd

Company Profile: Chaheng Precision Co. Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $110.5 M
Country: Taiwan
Sector: Taiwanese Industrials
Industry: Taiwanese Aerospace & Defense

133. Firan Technology Group Corporation

Company Profile: Firan Technology Group Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $103.2 M
Country: Canada
Sector: Canadian Industrials
Industry: Canadian Aerospace & Defense

134. Intevac, Inc.

Company Profile: Intevac, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $99.7 M
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense

135. Innovative Solutions and Support, Inc.

Company Profile: Innovative Solutions and Support, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $98.8 M
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense

136. JEP Holdings Ltd

Company Profile: JEP Holdings Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $95.8 M
Country: Singapore
Sector: Singaporean Industrials
Industry: Singaporean Aerospace & Defense

137. Aero Win Technology Corp

Company Profile: Aero Win Technology Corp
Market Cap (USD): $90.7 M
Country: Taiwan
Sector: Taiwanese Industrials
Industry: Taiwanese Aerospace & Defense

138. PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk

Company Profile: PT Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk
Market Cap (USD): $89.7 M
Country: Indonesia
Sector: Indonesian Industrials
Industry: Indonesian Aerospace & Defense

139. VirTra, Inc.

Company Profile: VirTra, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $88.7 M
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense

140. Public joint stock company NPO Nauka

Company Profile: Public joint stock company NPO Nauka
Market Cap (USD): $76.1 M
Country: Russia
Sector: Russian Industrials
Industry: Russian Aerospace & Defense

141. Officina Stellare S.p.A.

Company Profile: Officina Stellare S.p.A.
Market Cap (USD): $72.7 M
Country: Italy
Sector: Italian Industrials
Industry: Italian Aerospace & Defense

142. Coda Octopus Group, Inc.

Company Profile: Coda Octopus Group, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $66.8 M
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense

143. Sogeclair

Company Profile: Sogeclair
Market Cap (USD): $64.5 M (July 1, 2023)
Country: France
Sector: French Industrials
Industry: French Aerospace & Defense

144. Magnate Technology Co. Ltd

Company Profile: Magnate Technology Co. Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $60.5 M
Country: Taiwan
Sector: Taiwanese Industrials
Industry: Taiwanese Aerospace & Defense

145. Kovrov Mechanical Plant, Public Joint-Stock Company

Company Profile: Kovrov Mechanical Plant, Public Joint-Stock Company
Market Cap (USD): $59.3 M
Country: Russia
Sector: Russian Industrials
Industry: Russian Aerospace & Defense

146. Butler National Corp

Company Profile: Butler National Corp
Market Cap (USD): $59.2 M
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense

147. Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Group Ltd

Company Profile: Hong Kong Aerospace Technology Group Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $54.3 M
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Industrials
Industry: Chinese Aerospace & Defense

148. Naikai Zosen Corp

Company Profile: Naikai Zosen Corp
Market Cap (USD): $54.3 M
Country: Japan
Sector: Japanese Industrials
Industry: Japanese Aerospace & Defense

149. Velocity Composites plc

Company Profile: Velocity Composites plc
Market Cap (USD): $25.2 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Country: United Kingdom
Sector: UK Industrials
Industry: UK Aerospace & Defense

150. Safer Shot, Inc.

Company Profile: Safer Shot, Inc.
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Aerospace & Defense