NASDAQ Composite

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies by Market Cap and Stocks in 2024

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the NASDAQ Composite index ranked by market capitalization, together with links to their reference stock, sector and industry.

NASDAQ Composite Chart & Analysis

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

Ranking Company Stock Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
2221 Jerash Holdings (US), Inc. JRSH wb_incandescent $38.6 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Consumer Discretionary US Apparel Manufacturing
2222 Bionano Genomics, Inc. BNGO wb_incandescent $37.9 M United States US Healthcare US Diagnostics & Research
2223 Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp. SOLO wb_incandescent $37.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Canada Canadian Consumer Discretionary Canadian Auto Manufacturers
2224 TransAct Technologies Incorporated TACT wb_incandescent $37.8 M United States US Technology US Computer Hardware
2225 Curis, Inc. CRIS wb_incandescent $37.6 M United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2226 BSQUARE Corporation BSQR wb_incandescent $37.6 M

(Dec. 1, 2023)

United States US Technology US Software—Application
2227 Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation GTEC wb_incandescent $37.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Industrials Chinese Specialty Industrial Machinery
2228 Fathom Holdings Inc. FTHM wb_incandescent $37.1 M United States US Real Estate US Real Estate Services
2229 Aligos Therapeutics, Inc. ALGS wb_incandescent $37.0 M United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2230 Lordstown Motors Corp. RIDE wb_incandescent $37.0 M

(Aug. 1, 2023)

United States US Consumer Discretionary US Auto Manufacturers
2231 Aequi Acquisition Corp. ARBG wb_incandescent $36.8 M

(Aug. 1, 2023)

United States US Financials US Shell Companies
2232 Dragon Victory International Limited LYL wb_incandescent $36.6 M China Chinese Financials Chinese Credit Services
2233 BioSig Technologies, Inc. BSGM wb_incandescent $36.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Medical Devices
2234 United-Guardian, Inc. UG wb_incandescent $36.2 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Consumer Staples US Household & Personal Products
2235 BeyondSpring Inc. BYSI wb_incandescent $36.2 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2236 Aqua Metals, Inc. AQMS wb_incandescent $35.9 M United States US Industrials US Waste Management
2237 Moxian, Inc. MOXC wb_incandescent $35.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Hong Kong HK Communication Services HK Internet Content & Information
2238 Ebix, Inc. EBIX wb_incandescent $35.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Software—Application
2239 Reviva Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc. RVPH wb_incandescent $35.8 M United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2240 Nephros, Inc. NEPH wb_incandescent $35.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Medical Instruments & Supplies
2241 FlexShopper, Inc. FPAY wb_incandescent $35.7 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Industrials US Rental & Leasing Services
2242 Shift Technologies, Inc. SFT wb_incandescent $35.3 M

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Consumer Discretionary US Internet Retail
2243 Altisource Portfolio Solutions SA ASPS wb_incandescent $34.8 M Luxembourg Luxembourg Financials Luxembourg Mortgage Finance
2244 Rand Capital Corporation RAND wb_incandescent $34.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Financials US Asset Management
2245 Muscle Maker, Inc. GRIL wb_incandescent $34.1 M

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Consumer Discretionary US Restaurants
2246 CPS Technologies Corporation CPSH wb_incandescent $33.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Electronic Components
2247 Cumulus Media Inc. CMLS wb_incandescent $33.2 M United States US Communication Services US Broadcasting
2248 Kentucky First Federal Bancorp KFFB wb_incandescent $32.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Financials US Banks—Regional
2249 Atlantic American Corporation AAME wb_incandescent $31.4 M United States US Financials US Insurance—Life
2250 Koss Corporation KOSS wb_incandescent $31.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Consumer Electronics

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

2221. Jerash Holdings (US), Inc.

Company Profile: Jerash Holdings (US), Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $38.6 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: JRSH wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Discretionary
Industry: US Apparel Manufacturing

2222. Bionano Genomics, Inc.

Company Profile: Bionano Genomics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $37.9 M
Stock: BNGO wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Diagnostics & Research

2223. Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp.

Company Profile: Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $37.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: SOLO wb_incandescent
Country: Canada
Sector: Canadian Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Canadian Auto Manufacturers

2224. TransAct Technologies Incorporated

Company Profile: TransAct Technologies Incorporated
Market Cap (USD): $37.8 M
Stock: TACT wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Computer Hardware

2225. Curis, Inc.

Company Profile: Curis, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $37.6 M
Stock: CRIS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2226. BSQUARE Corporation

Company Profile: BSQUARE Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $37.6 M (Dec. 1, 2023)
Stock: BSQR wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Software—Application

2227. Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation

Company Profile: Greenland Technologies Holding Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $37.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: GTEC wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Industrials
Industry: Chinese Specialty Industrial Machinery

2228. Fathom Holdings Inc.

Company Profile: Fathom Holdings Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $37.1 M
Stock: FTHM wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Real Estate
Industry: US Real Estate Services

2229. Aligos Therapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Aligos Therapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $37.0 M
Stock: ALGS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2230. Lordstown Motors Corp.

Company Profile: Lordstown Motors Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $37.0 M (Aug. 1, 2023)
Stock: RIDE wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Discretionary
Industry: US Auto Manufacturers

2231. Aequi Acquisition Corp.

Company Profile: Aequi Acquisition Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $36.8 M (Aug. 1, 2023)
Stock: ARBG wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Shell Companies

2232. Dragon Victory International Limited

Company Profile: Dragon Victory International Limited
Market Cap (USD): $36.6 M
Stock: LYL wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Financials
Industry: Chinese Credit Services

2233. BioSig Technologies, Inc.

Company Profile: BioSig Technologies, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $36.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: BSGM wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Medical Devices

2234. United-Guardian, Inc.

Company Profile: United-Guardian, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $36.2 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: UG wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Staples
Industry: US Household & Personal Products

2235. BeyondSpring Inc.

Company Profile: BeyondSpring Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $36.2 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: BYSI wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2236. Aqua Metals, Inc.

Company Profile: Aqua Metals, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $35.9 M
Stock: AQMS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Waste Management

2237. Moxian, Inc.

Company Profile: Moxian, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $35.9 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: MOXC wb_incandescent
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Communication Services
Industry: HK Internet Content & Information

2238. Ebix, Inc.

Company Profile: Ebix, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $35.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: EBIX wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Software—Application

2239. Reviva Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.

Company Profile: Reviva Pharmaceuticals Holdings, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $35.8 M
Stock: RVPH wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2240. Nephros, Inc.

Company Profile: Nephros, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $35.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: NEPH wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Medical Instruments & Supplies

2241. FlexShopper, Inc.

Company Profile: FlexShopper, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $35.7 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: FPAY wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Rental & Leasing Services

2242. Shift Technologies, Inc.

Company Profile: Shift Technologies, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $35.3 M (July 1, 2023)
Stock: SFT wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Discretionary
Industry: US Internet Retail

2243. Altisource Portfolio Solutions SA

Company Profile: Altisource Portfolio Solutions SA
Market Cap (USD): $34.8 M
Stock: ASPS wb_incandescent
Country: Luxembourg
Sector: Luxembourg Financials
Industry: Luxembourg Mortgage Finance

2244. Rand Capital Corporation

Company Profile: Rand Capital Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $34.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: RAND wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Asset Management

2245. Muscle Maker, Inc.

Company Profile: Muscle Maker, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $34.1 M (July 1, 2023)
Stock: GRIL wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Discretionary
Industry: US Restaurants

2246. CPS Technologies Corporation

Company Profile: CPS Technologies Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $33.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: CPSH wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Electronic Components

2247. Cumulus Media Inc.

Company Profile: Cumulus Media Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $33.2 M
Stock: CMLS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Communication Services
Industry: US Broadcasting

2248. Kentucky First Federal Bancorp

Company Profile: Kentucky First Federal Bancorp
Market Cap (USD): $32.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: KFFB wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Banks—Regional

2249. Atlantic American Corporation

Company Profile: Atlantic American Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $31.4 M
Stock: AAME wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Insurance—Life

2250. Koss Corporation

Company Profile: Koss Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $31.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: KOSS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Consumer Electronics