NASDAQ Composite

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies by Market Cap and Stocks in 2024

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the NASDAQ Composite index ranked by market capitalization, together with links to their reference stock, sector and industry.

NASDAQ Composite Chart & Analysis

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

Ranking Company Stock Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
2341 Aytu BioScience, Inc. AYTU wb_incandescent $15.2 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2342 Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. WHLR wb_incandescent $15.1 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Real Estate US REIT—Retail
2343 ReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc. RETO wb_incandescent $15.0 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Basic Materials Chinese Building Materials
2344 Akoustis Technologies, Inc. AKTS wb_incandescent $14.8 M United States US Technology US Communication Equipment
2345 Lizhi Inc. LIZI wb_incandescent $14.7 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Communication Services Chinese Internet Content & Information
2346 Conn's, Inc. CONN wb_incandescent $14.4 M United States US Consumer Discretionary US Specialty Retail
2347 Frequency Therapeutics, Inc. FREQ wb_incandescent $14.3 M

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2348 Aileron Therapeutics, Inc. ALRN wb_incandescent $14.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2349 Celyad Oncology SA CYAD wb_incandescent $14.2 M

(July 1, 2023)

Belgium Belgian Healthcare Belgian Biotechnology
2350 Edesa Biotech, Inc. EDSA wb_incandescent $14.1 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Canada Canadian Healthcare Canadian Biotechnology
2351 Orgenesis Inc. ORGS wb_incandescent $13.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2352 Lexaria Bioscience Corp. LEXX wb_incandescent $13.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Canada Canadian Consumer Staples Canadian Packaged Foods
2353 Yunji Inc. YJ wb_incandescent $13.7 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Consumer Discretionary Chinese Internet Retail
2354 NewAge, Inc. NBEV wb_incandescent $13.7 M

(May 1, 2023)

United States US Consumer Staples US Beverages—Non-Alcoholic
2355 Electro-Sensors, Inc. ELSE wb_incandescent $13.6 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Scientific & Technical Instruments
2356 Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. MAXN wb_incandescent $13.4 M Singapore Singaporean Technology Singaporean Solar
2357 KBS Fashion Group Limited KBSF wb_incandescent $12.9 M

(June 1, 2022)

China Chinese Consumer Discretionary Chinese Apparel Manufacturing
2358 Insignia Systems, Inc. ISIG wb_incandescent $12.8 M

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Communication Services US Advertising Agencies
2359 PolyPid Ltd. PYPD wb_incandescent $12.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
2360 Jupiter Wellness, Inc. JUPW wb_incandescent $12.8 M

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Healthcare US Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
2361 Bonso Electronics International Inc. BNSO wb_incandescent $12.6 M

(Sept. 1, 2023)

Hong Kong HK Technology HK Scientific & Technical Instruments
2362 Vivos Therapeutics, Inc. VVOS wb_incandescent $12.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Medical Devices
2363 ENDRA Life Sciences Inc. NDRA wb_incandescent $12.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Diagnostics & Research
2364 TDH Holdings, Inc. PETZ wb_incandescent $12.0 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Consumer Staples Chinese Packaged Foods
2365 The OLB Group, Inc. OLB wb_incandescent $12.0 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Software—Application
2366 Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited CLWT wb_incandescent $11.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Hong Kong HK Industrials HK Pollution & Treatment Controls
2367 China Recycling Energy Corporation CREG wb_incandescent $11.7 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Utilities Chinese Utilities—Renewable
2368 Medalist Diversified REIT, Inc. MDRR wb_incandescent $11.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Real Estate US REIT—Diversified
2369 2U, Inc. TWOU wb_incandescent $11.1 M United States US Consumer Staples US Education & Training Services
2370 Vision Marine Technologies Inc. VMAR wb_incandescent $11.1 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Canada Canadian Consumer Discretionary Canadian Leisure

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

2341. Aytu BioScience, Inc.

Company Profile: Aytu BioScience, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $15.2 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: AYTU wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2342. Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.

Company Profile: Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $15.1 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: WHLR wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Real Estate
Industry: US REIT—Retail

2343. ReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc.

Company Profile: ReTo Eco-Solutions, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $15.0 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: RETO wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Basic Materials
Industry: Chinese Building Materials

2344. Akoustis Technologies, Inc.

Company Profile: Akoustis Technologies, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $14.8 M
Stock: AKTS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Communication Equipment

2345. Lizhi Inc.

Company Profile: Lizhi Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $14.7 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: LIZI wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Communication Services
Industry: Chinese Internet Content & Information

2346. Conn's, Inc.

Company Profile: Conn's, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $14.4 M
Stock: CONN wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Discretionary
Industry: US Specialty Retail

2347. Frequency Therapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Frequency Therapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $14.3 M (July 1, 2023)
Stock: FREQ wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2348. Aileron Therapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Aileron Therapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $14.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: ALRN wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2349. Celyad Oncology SA

Company Profile: Celyad Oncology SA
Market Cap (USD): $14.2 M (July 1, 2023)
Stock: CYAD wb_incandescent
Country: Belgium
Sector: Belgian Healthcare
Industry: Belgian Biotechnology

2350. Edesa Biotech, Inc.

Company Profile: Edesa Biotech, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $14.1 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: EDSA wb_incandescent
Country: Canada
Sector: Canadian Healthcare
Industry: Canadian Biotechnology

2351. Orgenesis Inc.

Company Profile: Orgenesis Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $13.9 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: ORGS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2352. Lexaria Bioscience Corp.

Company Profile: Lexaria Bioscience Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $13.9 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: LEXX wb_incandescent
Country: Canada
Sector: Canadian Consumer Staples
Industry: Canadian Packaged Foods

2353. Yunji Inc.

Company Profile: Yunji Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $13.7 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: YJ wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Chinese Internet Retail

2354. NewAge, Inc.

Company Profile: NewAge, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $13.7 M (May 1, 2023)
Stock: NBEV wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Staples
Industry: US Beverages—Non-Alcoholic

2355. Electro-Sensors, Inc.

Company Profile: Electro-Sensors, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $13.6 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: ELSE wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Scientific & Technical Instruments

2356. Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd.

Company Profile: Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $13.4 M
Stock: MAXN wb_incandescent
Country: Singapore
Sector: Singaporean Technology
Industry: Singaporean Solar

2357. KBS Fashion Group Limited

Company Profile: KBS Fashion Group Limited
Market Cap (USD): $12.9 M (June 1, 2022)
Stock: KBSF wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Chinese Apparel Manufacturing

2358. Insignia Systems, Inc.

Company Profile: Insignia Systems, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $12.8 M (July 1, 2023)
Stock: ISIG wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Communication Services
Industry: US Advertising Agencies

2359. PolyPid Ltd.

Company Profile: PolyPid Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $12.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: PYPD wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

2360. Jupiter Wellness, Inc.

Company Profile: Jupiter Wellness, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $12.8 M (July 1, 2023)
Stock: JUPW wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic

2361. Bonso Electronics International Inc.

Company Profile: Bonso Electronics International Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $12.6 M (Sept. 1, 2023)
Stock: BNSO wb_incandescent
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Technology
Industry: HK Scientific & Technical Instruments

2362. Vivos Therapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Vivos Therapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $12.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: VVOS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Medical Devices

2363. ENDRA Life Sciences Inc.

Company Profile: ENDRA Life Sciences Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $12.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: NDRA wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Diagnostics & Research

2364. TDH Holdings, Inc.

Company Profile: TDH Holdings, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $12.0 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: PETZ wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Consumer Staples
Industry: Chinese Packaged Foods

2365. The OLB Group, Inc.

Company Profile: The OLB Group, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $12.0 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: OLB wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Software—Application

2366. Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited

Company Profile: Euro Tech Holdings Company Limited
Market Cap (USD): $11.9 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: CLWT wb_incandescent
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Industrials
Industry: HK Pollution & Treatment Controls

2367. China Recycling Energy Corporation

Company Profile: China Recycling Energy Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $11.7 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: CREG wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Utilities
Industry: Chinese Utilities—Renewable

2368. Medalist Diversified REIT, Inc.

Company Profile: Medalist Diversified REIT, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $11.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: MDRR wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Real Estate
Industry: US REIT—Diversified

2369. 2U, Inc.

Company Profile: 2U, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $11.1 M
Stock: TWOU wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Staples
Industry: US Education & Training Services

2370. Vision Marine Technologies Inc.

Company Profile: Vision Marine Technologies Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $11.1 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: VMAR wb_incandescent
Country: Canada
Sector: Canadian Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Canadian Leisure