NASDAQ Composite

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies by Market Cap and Stocks in 2024

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the NASDAQ Composite index ranked by market capitalization, together with links to their reference stock, sector and industry.

NASDAQ Composite Chart & Analysis

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

Ranking Company Stock Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
2401 Aspen Group, Inc. ASPU wb_incandescent $8.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2023)

United States US Consumer Staples US Education & Training Services
2402 Soligenix, Inc. SNGX wb_incandescent $8.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2403 Evolving Systems, Inc. EVOL wb_incandescent $8.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Software—Application
2404 Luokung Technology Corp. LKCO wb_incandescent $8.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Communication Services Chinese Internet Content & Information
2405 Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc. IKT wb_incandescent $8.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2406 Galera Therapeutics, Inc. GRTX wb_incandescent $8.2 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2407 ASLAN Pharmaceuticals Limited ASLN wb_incandescent $7.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Singapore Singaporean Healthcare Singaporean Biotechnology
2408 Standard AVB Financial Corp. STND wb_incandescent $7.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Financials US Banks—Regional
2409 EZGO Technologies Ltd. EZGO wb_incandescent $7.8 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Consumer Discretionary Chinese Recreational Vehicles
2410 Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc. AYLA wb_incandescent $7.5 M

(Jan. 1, 2023)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
2411 CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CNSP wb_incandescent $7.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2412 Motorsport Games Inc. MSGM wb_incandescent $7.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Communication Services US Electronic Gaming & Multimedia
2413 Farmmi, Inc. FAMI wb_incandescent $7.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Consumer Staples Chinese Packaged Foods
2414 Forward Industries, Inc. FORD wb_incandescent $7.1 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Consumer Discretionary US Footwear & Accessories
2415 Color Star Technology Co., Ltd. CSCW wb_incandescent $7.1 M

(Dec. 1, 2022)

United States US Communication Services US Entertainment
2416 Guardion Health Sciences, Inc. GHSI wb_incandescent $6.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
2417 Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd. PBTS wb_incandescent $6.6 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Technology Chinese Software—Application
2418 Amesite Inc. AMST wb_incandescent $6.5 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Software—Application
2419 Aptinyx Inc. APTX wb_incandescent $6.5 M

(Dec. 1, 2023)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2420 Panbela Therapeutics Inc. PBLA wb_incandescent $6.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2421 MedAvail Holdings, Inc MDVL wb_incandescent $6.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Canada Canadian Healthcare Canadian Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
2422 Versus Systems Inc. VS wb_incandescent $6.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Canada Canadian Communication Services Canadian Electronic Gaming & Multimedia
2423 Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. TTNP wb_incandescent $6.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2424 Wanda Sports Group Company Limited WSG wb_incandescent $6.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Communication Services Chinese Entertainment
2425 Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited OXBR wb_incandescent $6.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Cayman Islands Cayman Islands Financials Cayman Islands Insurance—Reinsurance
2426 Integrated Media Technology Limited IMTE wb_incandescent $6.3 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Hong Kong HK Technology HK Electronic Components
2427 Cyanotech Corporation CYAN wb_incandescent $6.2 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Consumer Staples US Packaged Foods
2428 Trxade Health, Inc. MEDS wb_incandescent $6.1 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Pharmaceutical Retailers
2429 Oriental Culture Holding LTD OCG wb_incandescent $6.0 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Consumer Discretionary Chinese Internet Retail
2430 Hoth Therapeutics, Inc. HOTH wb_incandescent $5.9 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

2401. Aspen Group, Inc.

Company Profile: Aspen Group, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $8.4 M (Jan. 1, 2023)
Stock: ASPU wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Staples
Industry: US Education & Training Services

2402. Soligenix, Inc.

Company Profile: Soligenix, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $8.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: SNGX wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2403. Evolving Systems, Inc.

Company Profile: Evolving Systems, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $8.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: EVOL wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Software—Application

2404. Luokung Technology Corp.

Company Profile: Luokung Technology Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $8.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: LKCO wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Communication Services
Industry: Chinese Internet Content & Information

2405. Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $8.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: IKT wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2406. Galera Therapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Galera Therapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $8.2 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: GRTX wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2407. ASLAN Pharmaceuticals Limited

Company Profile: ASLAN Pharmaceuticals Limited
Market Cap (USD): $7.9 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: ASLN wb_incandescent
Country: Singapore
Sector: Singaporean Healthcare
Industry: Singaporean Biotechnology

2408. Standard AVB Financial Corp.

Company Profile: Standard AVB Financial Corp.
Market Cap (USD): $7.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: STND wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Banks—Regional

2409. EZGO Technologies Ltd.

Company Profile: EZGO Technologies Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $7.8 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: EZGO wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Chinese Recreational Vehicles

2410. Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Company Profile: Ayala Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $7.5 M (Jan. 1, 2023)
Stock: AYLA wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

2411. CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Company Profile: CNS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $7.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: CNSP wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2412. Motorsport Games Inc.

Company Profile: Motorsport Games Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $7.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: MSGM wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Communication Services
Industry: US Electronic Gaming & Multimedia

2413. Farmmi, Inc.

Company Profile: Farmmi, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $7.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: FAMI wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Consumer Staples
Industry: Chinese Packaged Foods

2414. Forward Industries, Inc.

Company Profile: Forward Industries, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $7.1 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: FORD wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Discretionary
Industry: US Footwear & Accessories

2415. Color Star Technology Co., Ltd.

Company Profile: Color Star Technology Co., Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $7.1 M (Dec. 1, 2022)
Stock: CSCW wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Communication Services
Industry: US Entertainment

2416. Guardion Health Sciences, Inc.

Company Profile: Guardion Health Sciences, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $6.9 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: GHSI wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic

2417. Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd.

Company Profile: Powerbridge Technologies Co., Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $6.6 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: PBTS wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Technology
Industry: Chinese Software—Application

2418. Amesite Inc.

Company Profile: Amesite Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $6.5 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: AMST wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Software—Application

2419. Aptinyx Inc.

Company Profile: Aptinyx Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $6.5 M (Dec. 1, 2023)
Stock: APTX wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2420. Panbela Therapeutics Inc.

Company Profile: Panbela Therapeutics Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $6.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: PBLA wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2421. MedAvail Holdings, Inc

Company Profile: MedAvail Holdings, Inc
Market Cap (USD): $6.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: MDVL wb_incandescent
Country: Canada
Sector: Canadian Healthcare
Industry: Canadian Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic

2422. Versus Systems Inc.

Company Profile: Versus Systems Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $6.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: VS wb_incandescent
Country: Canada
Sector: Canadian Communication Services
Industry: Canadian Electronic Gaming & Multimedia

2423. Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Company Profile: Titan Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $6.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: TTNP wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2424. Wanda Sports Group Company Limited

Company Profile: Wanda Sports Group Company Limited
Market Cap (USD): $6.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: WSG wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Communication Services
Industry: Chinese Entertainment

2425. Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited

Company Profile: Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited
Market Cap (USD): $6.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: OXBR wb_incandescent
Country: Cayman Islands
Sector: Cayman Islands Financials
Industry: Cayman Islands Insurance—Reinsurance

2426. Integrated Media Technology Limited

Company Profile: Integrated Media Technology Limited
Market Cap (USD): $6.3 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: IMTE wb_incandescent
Country: Hong Kong
Sector: HK Technology
Industry: HK Electronic Components

2427. Cyanotech Corporation

Company Profile: Cyanotech Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $6.2 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: CYAN wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Staples
Industry: US Packaged Foods

2428. Trxade Health, Inc.

Company Profile: Trxade Health, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $6.1 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: MEDS wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Pharmaceutical Retailers

2429. Oriental Culture Holding LTD

Company Profile: Oriental Culture Holding LTD
Market Cap (USD): $6.0 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: OCG wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Consumer Discretionary
Industry: Chinese Internet Retail

2430. Hoth Therapeutics, Inc.

Company Profile: Hoth Therapeutics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $5.9 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: HOTH wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology