NASDAQ Composite

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies by Market Cap and Stocks in 2024

This is the list of the largest public listed companies in the NASDAQ Composite index ranked by market capitalization, together with links to their reference stock, sector and industry.

NASDAQ Composite Chart & Analysis

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

Ranking Company Stock Market Cap (USD) Country Sector Industry
2491 China SXT Pharmaceuticals, Inc. SXTC wb_incandescent $1.5 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

China Chinese Healthcare Chinese Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
2492 Baudax Bio, Inc. BXRX wb_incandescent $1.4 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2493 Axcella Health Inc. AXLA wb_incandescent $1.2 M

(Dec. 1, 2023)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2494 Brainsway Ltd. BWAY wb_incandescent $1.2 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Diagnostics & Research
2495 Hudson Capital Inc. HUSN wb_incandescent $1.1 M

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Financials US Capital Markets
2496 Evelo Biosciences, Inc. EVLO wb_incandescent $918,767

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2497 SenesTech, Inc. SNES wb_incandescent $904,318

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Basic Materials US Specialty Chemicals
2498 Magal Security Systems Ltd. MAGS wb_incandescent $901,596

(June 1, 2022)

Israel Israeli Industrials Israeli Security & Protection Services
2499 HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc. HTGM wb_incandescent $730,695

(Aug. 1, 2023)

United States US Healthcare US Diagnostics & Research
2500 Harbor Custom Development, Inc. HCDI wb_incandescent $463,534

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Real Estate US Real Estate—Development
2501 General Finance Corporation GFN wb_incandescent $427,343

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Industrials US Rental & Leasing Services
2502 iFresh Inc. IFMK wb_incandescent $288,820

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Consumer Staples US Grocery Stores
2503 Entera Bio Ltd. ENTX wb_incandescent $279,154

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
2504 Intec Pharma Ltd NTEC wb_incandescent $177,453

(June 1, 2022)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
2505 Mer Telemanagement Solutions Ltd. MTSL wb_incandescent $159,546

(June 1, 2022)

Israel Israeli Communication Services Israeli Telecom Services
2506 B.O.S. Better Online Solutions Ltd. BOSC wb_incandescent $154,046

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Technology Israeli Communication Equipment
2507 Cellect Biotechnology Ltd. APOP wb_incandescent $129,123

(Oct. 1, 2021)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
2508 Kaleido Biosciences, Inc. KLDO wb_incandescent $106,556

(Jan. 1, 2023)

United States US Healthcare US Biotechnology
2509 Unico American Corporation UNAM wb_incandescent $93,896

(July 1, 2023)

United States US Financials US Insurance—Property & Casualty
2510 Medigus Ltd. MDGS wb_incandescent $56,407

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Medical Devices
2511 PainReform Ltd. PRFX wb_incandescent $38,647

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic
2512 Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd. GLMD wb_incandescent $17,978

(Jan. 1, 2024)

Israel Israeli Healthcare Israeli Biotechnology
2513 Kubient, Inc. KBNT wb_incandescent $14,727

(Jan. 1, 2024)

United States US Technology US Software—Application
2514 FedNat Holding Company FNHC wb_incandescent $3,503

(Jan. 1, 2023)

United States US Financials US Insurance—Property & Casualty
2515 Fluidigm Corporation FLDM wb_incandescent United States US Healthcare US Diagnostics & Research
2516 Sundance Energy Inc. SNDE wb_incandescent United States US Energy US Oil & Gas E&P
2517 Watford Holdings Ltd. WTRE wb_incandescent Bermuda Bermuda Financials Bermuda Insurance—Diversified
2518 Helix Acquisition Corp. HLXA wb_incandescent United States US Financials US Shell Companies
2519 EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp. II EDTXU wb_incandescent United Kingdom UK Financials UK Shell Companies
2520 NIC Inc. EGOV wb_incandescent United States US Technology US Software—Application

Top NASDAQ Composite Companies Ranking by Market Cap as of July 1, 2024

2491. China SXT Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Company Profile: China SXT Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $1.5 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: SXTC wb_incandescent
Country: China
Sector: Chinese Healthcare
Industry: Chinese Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic

2492. Baudax Bio, Inc.

Company Profile: Baudax Bio, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $1.4 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: BXRX wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2493. Axcella Health Inc.

Company Profile: Axcella Health Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $1.2 M (Dec. 1, 2023)
Stock: AXLA wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2494. Brainsway Ltd.

Company Profile: Brainsway Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $1.2 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: BWAY wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Diagnostics & Research

2495. Hudson Capital Inc.

Company Profile: Hudson Capital Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $1.1 M (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: HUSN wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Capital Markets

2496. Evelo Biosciences, Inc.

Company Profile: Evelo Biosciences, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $918,767 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: EVLO wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2497. SenesTech, Inc.

Company Profile: SenesTech, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $904,318 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: SNES wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Basic Materials
Industry: US Specialty Chemicals

2498. Magal Security Systems Ltd.

Company Profile: Magal Security Systems Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $901,596 (June 1, 2022)
Stock: MAGS wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Industrials
Industry: Israeli Security & Protection Services

2499. HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc.

Company Profile: HTG Molecular Diagnostics, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $730,695 (Aug. 1, 2023)
Stock: HTGM wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Diagnostics & Research

2500. Harbor Custom Development, Inc.

Company Profile: Harbor Custom Development, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $463,534 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: HCDI wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Real Estate
Industry: US Real Estate—Development

2501. General Finance Corporation

Company Profile: General Finance Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $427,343 (July 1, 2023)
Stock: GFN wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Industrials
Industry: US Rental & Leasing Services

2502. iFresh Inc.

Company Profile: iFresh Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $288,820 (July 1, 2023)
Stock: IFMK wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Consumer Staples
Industry: US Grocery Stores

2503. Entera Bio Ltd.

Company Profile: Entera Bio Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $279,154 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: ENTX wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

2504. Intec Pharma Ltd

Company Profile: Intec Pharma Ltd
Market Cap (USD): $177,453 (June 1, 2022)
Stock: NTEC wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

2505. Mer Telemanagement Solutions Ltd.

Company Profile: Mer Telemanagement Solutions Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $159,546 (June 1, 2022)
Stock: MTSL wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Communication Services
Industry: Israeli Telecom Services

2506. B.O.S. Better Online Solutions Ltd.

Company Profile: B.O.S. Better Online Solutions Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $154,046 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: BOSC wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Technology
Industry: Israeli Communication Equipment

2507. Cellect Biotechnology Ltd.

Company Profile: Cellect Biotechnology Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $129,123 (Oct. 1, 2021)
Stock: APOP wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

2508. Kaleido Biosciences, Inc.

Company Profile: Kaleido Biosciences, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $106,556 (Jan. 1, 2023)
Stock: KLDO wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Biotechnology

2509. Unico American Corporation

Company Profile: Unico American Corporation
Market Cap (USD): $93,896 (July 1, 2023)
Stock: UNAM wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Insurance—Property & Casualty

2510. Medigus Ltd.

Company Profile: Medigus Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $56,407 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: MDGS wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Medical Devices

2511. PainReform Ltd.

Company Profile: PainReform Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $38,647 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: PRFX wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic

2512. Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Company Profile: Galmed Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Market Cap (USD): $17,978 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: GLMD wb_incandescent
Country: Israel
Sector: Israeli Healthcare
Industry: Israeli Biotechnology

2513. Kubient, Inc.

Company Profile: Kubient, Inc.
Market Cap (USD): $14,727 (Jan. 1, 2024)
Stock: KBNT wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Software—Application

2514. FedNat Holding Company

Company Profile: FedNat Holding Company
Market Cap (USD): $3,503 (Jan. 1, 2023)
Stock: FNHC wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Insurance—Property & Casualty

2515. Fluidigm Corporation

Company Profile: Fluidigm Corporation
Stock: FLDM wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Healthcare
Industry: US Diagnostics & Research

2516. Sundance Energy Inc.

Company Profile: Sundance Energy Inc.
Stock: SNDE wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Energy
Industry: US Oil & Gas E&P

2517. Watford Holdings Ltd.

Company Profile: Watford Holdings Ltd.
Stock: WTRE wb_incandescent
Country: Bermuda
Sector: Bermuda Financials
Industry: Bermuda Insurance—Diversified

2518. Helix Acquisition Corp.

Company Profile: Helix Acquisition Corp.
Stock: HLXA wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Financials
Industry: US Shell Companies

2519. EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp. II

Company Profile: EdtechX Holdings Acquisition Corp. II
Stock: EDTXU wb_incandescent
Country: United Kingdom
Sector: UK Financials
Industry: UK Shell Companies

2520. NIC Inc.

Company Profile: NIC Inc.
Stock: EGOV wb_incandescent
Country: United States
Sector: US Technology
Industry: US Software—Application