
Trading Signals


Trading Signals

Stock Indices Trading Signals

Major Stock Indices and their trading signals as of their last market close

Key daily trading signals of major stock indices with volume significance, standard deviations, position to moving averages, Golden and Death crosses, support and resistance.

info_outline How to read trading signals

Major stock indices trading signals at last market close

Stock Index Data Position to Moving Averages Moving Averages Crossovers Support / Resistance
Stock Index Constituent Stocks Trends & Returns Log Market Close Date Last Close / Pct. Change 1Y Mean / 1Y Returns Mean 1Y Std. Dev. / 1Y Returns Std. Dev. 20-Day Returns Std. Dev. 1. Price/EMA20
2. Price/SMA50
3. Price/SMA200
20-Day Z-Score Golden / Death Cross 1. EMA20/SMA50
2. EMA20/SMA200
3. SMA50/SMA200
Support / Downside Resistance / Upside
Stock Index Stocks Trends
& Returns Log
Market Close Date Last Close
Pct. Change
1Y Mean
1Y Ret. Mean
1Y StD.
1Y Ret. StD.
20D Ret. StD. Pos. to Mov. Avg. 20D Z-Score Golden/Death Cross Mov. Avg.
S&P 500 trending_up trending_down March 21, 2025 53.49
-22 -20 -13 -0.52
. -16 -4 252 53.42
Dow Jones trending_up trending_down Jan. 31, 2022 0.75
-12 -12 86 -0.88
. -17 85 84 0.70
NASDAQ-100 trending_up trending_down March 21, 2025 7.50
33 33 12 0.53
. 29 7 -81 6.98
FTSE 100 trending_up trending_down March 21, 2025 8654.87
-1 6 48 N/A
. 56 57 45 8629.63

Disfold AI gives you access to trading signals for the S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq-100 and all the stock indices listed hereafter.
Indices' stocks signals are available for the S&P 500, Dow Jones and Nasdaq-100 and the following indices marked with a [*].


How to Read Trading Signals

Trading signals are based upon stock indices values and stocks pricing data over 1 year (252 trading days) unless specified otherwise.

They primarily rely upon the analysis of closing stock indices values and stocks prices, volumes, minima and maxima over specific periods and key moving averages:

  1. EMA20: the 20-Day Exponential Moving Average, a short-term average giving more weight to recent days movements
  2. SMA50: the 50-Day Simple Moving Average, a mid-term price average
  3. SMA200: the 200-Day Simple Moving Average, a long-term price average
Stock Index and Stock Data
  1. Index or Stock Name: Click for chart with moving averages and details
  2. Market Close Date: Date of trading data available, at market close
  3. Constituent Stocks Trends & Returns Log (Indices only): Click for list of index stocks trending UP (above their EMA20), or DOWN (below their EMA20) as well as list of index stocks returns tracker for 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months & 1 year.
  4. Last Close / Pct. Change: index value or stock prices, and percentage chane to previous close
  5. 50-Day Volume Significance (Stocks only): Last day volume comared to last 50-Day average volume
  6. 1Y Mean / 1Y Returns Mean: 1 year mean of index value or stock price and 1 Year mean of daily returns (daily close-to-previous-close percentage change)
  7. 1Y Standard Deviation / 1Y Returns Standard Deviation: 1 year standard deviation of index or stock and 1 Year standard deviation of daily returns (daily close-to-previous-close percentage change)
  8. 20-Day Returns Standard Deviation: 20-day standard deviation of daily returns (daily close-to-previous-close percentage change)
Position to Moving Averages

Three boxes indicating the number of days the stock price has been above (positive numbers) or below (negative numbers) 3 key moving averages:

  1. Price/EMA20: Price above (or below) EMA20
  2. Price/SMA50: Price above (or below) SMA50
  3. Price/SMA200: Price above (or below) SMA200
Moving Averages Crossovers
  1. 20-Day Z-Score: the Z-Score measure the number of 20-Day standard deviations between the current price and the current EMA20. [A Z-Score of 2 is notably used to define the upper and lower bounds of the Bollinger Bands (TM) denoting, if stocks are trading in their lower or upper ranges. It is usually calculated from the SMA20 rather than EMA20.]
  2. Golden / Death Cross: highlights if an index or stock is close to reaching, at a Golden or Death Cross, or if it passed this milestone in the last 5 trading days (if the SMA50 crossed above or below the SMA200, respectively). Golden Crosses are signaled with a yellow-background cross with a (+) and the number of days it has passed the cross. Death Crosses with a black-background cross and a (-) sign with number of days passed. Possibly upcoming Golden Crosses are signaled with a yellow-background question mark (?), and Death Crosses with a black-background question mark (?), if the SMA50 is approaching the SMA200 line within a standard deviation of returns of a stock or index.
  3. Three boxes indicating the number of days the 3 key moving averages have been above (positive numbers) or below (negative numbers) each other:

    1. EMA20/SMA50: EMA20 above (or below) SMA50
    2. EMA20/SMA200: EMA20 above (or below) SMA200
    3. SMA50/SMA200: SMA50 above (or below) SMA200
Support / Resistance

The support and resistance study compares current prices to EMA20, SMA50 and SMA200 moving averages, and minima and maxima over the following rolling periods:

  • 1 Week: Last Week (last 5 trading days)
  • 1 Month: Last Month (last 21 trading days)
  • 3 Months: Last Quarter (last 63 trading days, Fourth quarter of the current year)
  • Previous Quarter (Quarter -1): Previous Quarter (63 previous days, Third quarter of the current year)
  • Quarter -2: Second quarter of the current year
  • Quarter -3: First quarter of the current year


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Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance. Patterns tend to repeat themselves, but they don't necessarily have to.

Successful backtests on past data do not guarantee the future success of the strategy backtested, especially as backtest overfitting may occur: when the price of a stock may fit particularly well a given trading strategy over a given period, but not necessarily outside of that period. Besides, backtests do not account for exact market conditions and may yield significantly different results in real trading practice (fees, slippage...).

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